Highschool Dance Mask Costume thing...

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I failed at the chapter name so bad.

Keith POV:

"Shiro, I'm not gonna go."

"Keith please. I asked Allura to the dance and she said yes." Shiro said trying to convince him to go.

"I don't have a costume." Keith objected again.

"Yeah and I'll get you one. Besides someone in particular might be there." Shiro said teasingly.

Keith's seemed to perk up a bit at this.

"And his name goes by Lance McClain." Shiro laughed.

"Fine I guess. But just this once." Keith hugged shutting his locker and walking down the hall frustrated that he'd given in.

Lances POV

"Oh course I'm going! Maybe I'll meet a cute girl." I smirked to my best friend Hunk.

"What's your costume?" He asked excitedly.

"My what?" I asked nervously dropping fork on my lunch tray.

"It's a costume party. Everyone's supposed to wear masks too." Hunk informed.

"Dang it! All the good costumes are gonna be gone." I whined.

"Guess you'll just have to see what they have." Hunk shrugged. "And remember, it starts at 7." He dumped his tray and ran to class. Guess I better get my costume quick.

3rd person POV

The bell rang and Lance left to the costume store. Keith and Shiro little did either of them know go to the same place. They walked up and down the isles always missing each other by mere seconds.

"How about this?" Keith asked holding up a costume of a shower that had the curtain go all the way around like from the karate kid.


Keith sighed and kept looking.

"How about this?" Shiro asked holding up a hippie costume laughing.

"Ha. Ha. Very funny." Keith rolled his eyes. "I think you should switch yours for this one." Keith said holding up a catholic priest one.

"I think I'll stick with mine." Shiro was going as Fred from Scoobie Doo with sun glasses, Keith thought it was kind of half assed. "Hey look at this." Shiro handed him a white mask decorated with lace.

" Shiro handed him a white mask decorated with lace

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We decided I'll wear a tux with a fedora. Shiro is so lucky I'm allowing this.

Lance however couldn't find anything but had an idea. He hadn't wore the getup in years but he was sure it would still fit.

 He hadn't wore the getup in years but he was sure it would still fit

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