Altean Lancy Lance

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Lance joined his teammates in the main control room. They were there to discuss their next actions in taking back the universe from Zarcon. Allura stood at the control module gliding her hands through the air as she pressed a series of buttons.

"Hey Allura, can I try?" Lance asked eyeing the strange technology.

"I would, in fact, love to teach all of you. However, it only works for Alteans. It reacts with our markings." She explained.

"But it seems so...," Lance thought about what he was going to say but decided it ludicrous. "never mind."

Allura left the spot and her and the others began to talk. Lance stayed behind and eyed it. He felt drawn to it. He reached his hand forward letting it graze across the metal surface. He quickly pulled away feeling a deep pressure in his chest and a burning sensation shooting through his arms.

"L-Lance? What are you doing?" Allura asked him bewildered.

"Sorry I was just-." Lance looked back at it again.

"No, try that again, I could've sworn..." Allura instructed.

Lance placed his hand on it and the pain returned. It was powerful and it brought him to his knees. "Lance let go!" Keith had yelled.

"No Lance! Continue!" Allura yelled in a thrilled tone.

"It's hurting him! Lance, let go!" Keith snapped.

Lance couldn't handle it anymore and pulled his hand away listening to Keith. Two bright blue marks illuminated on his cheek bones just under his eyes that burned hot on his skin.

He held his head up meeting the stares of his teammates. "What's...? What happened?" Lance felt his consciousness falter and he couldn't stand.

Keith was the first to do anything. He ran and helped the tan boy up.

"Keith, what happened?" Lance asked leaning into him as he walked.

Keith remained silent as he wasn't even sure. "Lance... you're Altean." Allura said in utter shock.

"I'm, I'm not Altean." Lance laughed lightly as if she was being crazy.

"Lance you have the markings." Keith informed.

"But... there's no way." Lance spoke quiet and slow.

"Your mother and father, what are they like?" Allura asked, determined to ensure this was true.

"My mother is a human." Lance spoke almost defensively.

"What about your father?" Allura asked.

Lance looked away anger building in his face. "I don't know him alright!" Lance snapped. "My siblings are only half siblings. My mom said he just took off when I was a baby, took off... to the... stars. She then met my siblings' dad and he raised me the same. He is my father."

"But your biological father, your mom claims he left... to the stars?" Allura seemed happy at that.

Lance felt the markings on his face. "Are they really there?"

Keith nodded with a half smile.

"Looks like you're not the only alien halfbreed on the ship huh Keithy?

Keith rolled his eyes letting go of Lance. "You're ridiculous."

"Lance! There are so many things I want to show you! I must expose you to your Altean heritage!" Allura exclaimed pulling him away from the group.

Keith watched as the tan boy was dragged off.

Some time later, Keith had finished training, washed and now decided to relax reading on the couch. His attention was pulled away from the fictional book when a certain boy plopped next to him.

"Hey." Keith said closing his book. He nearly choked seeing Lance wearing well fitted Altean clothing. He felt his cheeks go red at the sight.

"Hi." Lance said drained and unenthusiastically.

"What's wrong?" Keith asked.

"I'm not Altean. Well, I mean genetically yes, but... there's no way I can do all of that. It's not for me. To many traditions and rules. Allura wants to make me a 'proper Altean' when I'm just... me." He spoke troubled by his newfound situation.

Keith didn't know how to respond. He never was good at this sort of thing. Lance leaned over resting his head on Keiths shoulder tiredly.

Keith stiffened but slowly relaxed as he listened to Lances paced breathing.

Allura walked in and clapped her hands causing Lance to jolt back up. "Sneaking away was not very Altean of you. C'mon, I have to inform you of all our culture. We have much work to do."

Lance sighed slowly standing up. Keith stopped him. "Allura, give him a break, he looks exhausted. He only found out his Altean heritage today. You can't force an entire culture on someone in one day."

Allura looked angry for a moment before cutting a look to Lance and nodding. "Very well. I understand." She left leaving the two boys alone.

"Thanks." Lance said looking at Keith gratefully.

"Don't mention-." Keith began but lost track of his thoughts when Lance leaned forward planting a kiss on his cheek.

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