Baby Lance

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Credit to everyone who made all the pictures in this book, if you know who made them please let me know so I can give credit, thanks!

"Ooh! Look at this one!" Lance said showing a flower to Hunk.

"Lance, Coran said to be careful not to touch anything.

"Oh come on! This one is pretty, I think it brings out your eyes!" Lance said holding it next to Keith's face for comparison. "Wadya think Hunk?"

"Lance!" Keith blushed and pushed his hand away.

"What Keith? It's pretty just like you!" Lance said smelling the flower as he watched Keith roll his eyes and turn around. Hunk just watched smiling considering he knew they both like each other already.

The flower then sprayed a small gas into Lances face. He immediately dropped it and coughed choking a bit.

Hunk and Keith both immediately ran to Lance to make sure he was okay. "Are you Okay?" Hunk Asked.

"Uh, I don't feel any different. I think so." Lance said rubbing his head.

"He should catch up to others, just tell us if you feel different or sick." Keith said helping him up.


When they got back to the castle Lance was acting... strange? Keith noticed right away considering he was keeping a closer eye on him after what happened. Lance was staring and giggling in fascination at the blue glowing wall.

"Lance, are you okay?"

"Gaah~!" Lance said in a small cute high voice like a baby. He cleared his throat. "Uh, Yeah! Just tired..." he said walking to his room quickly.

"Hey Coran!" Keith yelled running up to him. "What kind of stuff was on that planet that made it important for us not to touch anything."

"Well lots of things, that's why no one inhabits that planet."

"What about purple flowers that spray gas? What do those do?" Keith asked.

"You didn't get sprayed by one did you?!" Coran began to panic.

"Uh, no." Keith said wide eyed.

"Oh okay then, bye paladin." Coran ran off before Keith could ask anything else. He ran to Lances room to check on him.

Keith knocked, "Uh, Lance, are you okay? How are you feeling?"

No answer.

"I'm coming in." Keith opened the door, no one was there. Or so he thought. He walked in looking around before noticing a small lump under the sheets of his bed. He pulled them back to reveal a small baby.

"Oh no."

The small baby's eyes fluttered open and then it began to cry. Keith picked him up and the baby immediately stopped.

"Lance?" Keith muttered.

Keith looked at the baby's face carefully, it was without a doubt Lance. Keith settled for a fast walk through the halls of the castle.

"Shiro, you're not going to believe this."

"What is it Keith? Is that a... baby?" Shiro's face twisted in confusion.

"Yeah but it's also... well... Lance."

Keith was holding Lance up to his chest gently while he grabbed at his mullet. Keith had just finished explaining what happened to everyone.

"What are we going to do? We can't form voltron without him." Shiro said trying to think.

"Don't worry paladins, it's reversible. I'll just need to go get the cure. It will take me a couple days considering I'll need to go pretty far to get it. It won't be cheap either." Coran explained,

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