Voltron Enchanted

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You may recognize the plot from Ella Enchanted!!!

Gifts are usually something to be celebrated.


But not so much for Keith. At least for one gift in particular. A gift of obedience.

Of course he was a fairly headstrong child, but what child wasn't? His brother claimed that it was a fairy godmother or some shit who gave him the gift (if you could even call it that). She visited him as a newborn and presented the gift to his parents. Shiro claimed they tried to turn down the gift but she threatened to turn him into a skunk. As much as Keith hates the curse, he'd rather not be a skunk believe it or not.

Ironically however, Keith hates doing what people tell him to. Loathes it in fact!

His family always tried to be wary of his situation and offer him choices and avoided sentences that would cause him to obey without free will. Like saying: "please do your homework sometime tonight" vs. "go do your homework please". He still lost his free will not to do his homework but at least he could choose when he wanted to do it as long as it was that night.

Though, sometimes it was unavoidable or they'd forget. Like saying "Dig in!" At the dinner table. Keith had felt immense guilt for having picked up food by the handfuls and shoving it into his face, ruining the lovely dinner his father spent hours preparing.

But of course he couldn't control it. If someone told him to do something, even as an off handed comment, he had no choice. It didn't help when his parents both died. His mom fell ill and only two years later his father died in a fire on the job.

His brother was old enough to take custody and they've lived in a small apartment ever since. Keith had gotten into trouble quite a bit because of the curse and was no stranger to getting kicked out of schools. But he was a senior in high school now. His last year. He made a promise to Shiro there'd be no funny business. Keith had a grade point average of 4.2 and Shiro was already worried his record would diminish his chances of getting into a good college and receiving the full ride he was promised by the state.

"Is your summer assignment done?" Shiro asked as he stirred a cake mix blending the ingredients. Adam's birthday is on the same day as his second day of school, so they decided to celebrate today on the weekend as a family, and then Adam and Shiro could do a special dinner together on the day of.

"Yeah, I just have to print it out though." Keith ran a hand through his hair as he watched Shiro bake.

"You might as well do it quick before Adam gets here." Shiro suggested.

"Meh, don't really want to." Keith groaned.

"Keith, go print it." Shiro rolled his eyes.

Keith immediately stood up without hesitation and walked to the office. "Fuck you."

"Language!" Shiro huffed.

Keith returned and sat back down lazily. "Happy now?" He grumbled.

"Yes, thank you." Shiro smiled annoyingly bright.

Keith then observed Shiro have a change in demeanor. He seemed suddenly nervous and sat down the bowl he was stirring. "What's up?"

"I wanted to talk to you about something before Adam gets here." He sat down across from Keith and looked at him seriously. "At Adam's birthday dinner on Tuesday, I plan on proposing. I wanted to talk to you about it first though, I know our situation has always been particularly different. And I know it's just been the two of us for years. But I want Adam to be part of it now."

"Shiro that's great! Did you already get the rings?" Keith asked surprised.

"Yeah," he pulled them out and showed off the ring happily.

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