Heat of Battle

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Things weren't going well for the paladins. Lance breathlessly looked to his teammates in despair. He watched as Shiro fought off a few Galra soldiers with his hand before yelling in a loud harsh voice, "Fall back!". His lip was split and a cut fell along his hairline. Shiro began running and Lance watched Pidge and Hunk follow. Where was Keith?

Lance helplessly scanned the area before seeing Keith unable to retreat as he was up against three soldiers. He was backing up, sword clenched in hand.

Lance began to run to help despite every inch of his body aching and begging him not to.

Keith tripped on a rock falling back. He quickly went to defend himself but was too late and a Galra soldier hit him on the head with the end of his gun. Keith was limp on the ground, but before the soldiers could pursue Lance stepped in between. He blocked an attack with his forearm and shot his gun from a mere foot away. Close range wasn't his forte but he didn't have a choice. Another attacked shooting but it thankfully missed and Lance fired back making the perfect shot. As for the third, he charged throwing a kick. Lance squeezed his eyes shut bracing for impact blocking it, however, it was followed up with a punch landing on his cheek. He felt it pulse with pain as he was knocked back. The soldier took threatening steps forward hastily. Lance forced himself to stand ready to fight once more but immediately took a blow to the gut.

He hunched over on his knees resisting the urge to hurl. He gripped his gun shakily from the ground and aimed it up without looking and pulled the trigger. He didn't want to look at the damage he'd just caused and instead crawled to Keith's aid.

Lance felt a few stray tears run down his face cooling it from the heat of battle. "Keith...," Lance spoke quietly gripping the boy's shoulder and shaking it. "Keith." His voice resounded in the now peaceful area. He, in a panic, checked Keith's pulse before relaxing as it was a perfect beat.

Lance took a sharp, deep, breath before pushing himself up to his feet wary. He picked up Keith and, seeing in the distance another crowd of soldiers, decided to find a place to hide.

Adrenaline was keeping Lance going, he was moving as quickly as he could in his condition. He wandered with Keith for about 10 minutes before finally finding an old abandoned cabin. Lance made it inside and set Keith down carefully. Cobwebs lingered, gently wavering in the air restricted to the items they couldn't let go of. Lance found a warn table cloth, soft and tired with age. He patted it out watching dust fly before setting it underneath Keith's head.

He found a few quilts and patted them as he did the table cloth before laying them on Keith. Hoping he was comfortable, Lance sat next to him. He felt another tear run down his cheek and Lance quickly wiped it sniffling. He pushed Keith's hair back from his forehead and planted a soft kiss.

Lance, taken back by his own actions stood up and sat in the window looking out to ensure they weren't found. Lance drew the grey curtains closed leaving it open enough to stare out.

Minutes passed and Lance began to panic that perhaps the pulse was just a figment of his imagination, that what if he's dead. Paranoia was getting the best of Lance, eating away at him with every passing minute. All doubt was erased when Keith let out a low groan sitting up heavily. He gripped his head in pain with his eyes squeezed shut.

Lance couldn't bring himself to say anything but instead watched breathlessly knowing the boy was okay.

"What's goi-where? Lance?" Keith spoke quietly. The noice broke through silence and it almost seemed foreign.

"We're safe." He said looking away back out the window. He could feel his eyes welling up with tears and refused to let Keith see.

"Thank you." Keith said after a while.

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