On Brothers and Family

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So Y/N Harry started looking at you what happened when Draco.....and all?

I was a bit nervous to tell them considering the fact how they would react Draco had not been the kindest to them. He constantly bullies Harry, Calls Hermione a mudblood, and Teases Ron for no good reason. Suddenly you heard Ron calling your name N/N. Yes, Ron just gives me a moment I will tell you. You know Y/n Hermione called from beside you if it makes you uncomfortable you do not have to tell us. You smiled at her Hermione you all deserve to know. Please do not stop me so a few years back after my loving mother died and my father was sent to Askaban for a crime he did not commit. I lost both my parents I will describe them another time The Malfoys who were Draco's parents took me under their care and gave me undefinable love kindness but one thing they strongly believed which is absurd to me is their obsession with purebloods Slytherins. They think the rest are worthy of death though they were conceited they never refrained me from talking to people they do not approve of. Since this, they never loved me any different. So after all this They did for me I got sorted to Gryffindor a house which I admired but they despised the most. So Draco is like a brother to me I love him very much it is hard to believe considering how I reacted but it is the truth. I do not know how to face him what if he hates me? And my parents I do not know how they will react especially my Father.

After you finished all this you were dripping with tears.

Hermione hugged you and Ron wiped your tears. Y/N we are sorry I heard Harry saying for your parents. But your parents the Malfoys you are telling me they wanted you to be happy did not refrain you from talking to people they did not approve? Love you unconditionally? and suddenly want to break all ties with you? And Draco he still wants to talk to you? So how can you claim they do not love you and I am certain you have been getting letters from your parents. They would not write if they hate you. Trust me Y/n they still love you. Just talk to them alright?

You nodded but how?

Draco came up and tapped you on your shoulder can we talk? He asked.

You took a deep breath and nodded.

I will see you guys in the next class you said to the three of them, yeah Ron and Hermione told.

You guys went outside and sat down on a bench.

Draco looked at you now N/N I know why you are avoiding me and I know why you have not written anything to Mother or Father and they are worried sick off you. Look just because you got sorted to Gryffindor does not mean we hate you understand?

I--I you stuttered

Look we still love you they care about you very much too much and I love you so do Mom and Dad they will never tell you otherwise.

Draco do they know I am in Gryffindor? And all?

Yes, I told them they told they wanted to hear from you. Me? Yes, you.

Please talk to them before they come here and you will be stuck in a horrible position Draco told. He smiled at you and wiped your tears and hugged you returned the warm embrace I love you, you told to Draco. I Love you more he told. Now stop crying you will get wrinkles. You laughed and told me I hate you. I love you to Draco told now we are good? He asked never Better you told.

Ok now we need to leave for the next class oh fresh air you told bye dray you told bye N/n.

You went back to the great hall where Hermione, Ron, and Harry were their guys everything is good between me and Draco Now I have to tell my parents but I want to talk to them face to face. Maybe you can invite them over? Hermione suggested yes that will be good.

When owls started arriving Nevile gets remembered all I heard was someone shouting.

Nevile, they turn red when you forgot something. You told

Then it turned red Oh I forgot something he told me but I can not remember what. He told.

Nevile, you forgot your robes and you need to take your broom we having flying class next you told smiling.

He blushed and told oh--- I- have--have Thank you Y/N. No problem Nevile you replied.


" Welcome to flying class Madame Hooche said now step up to your left side off your broomstick stick your right hand above the broom and say Up.

Up I told my broomstick almost instantly came to my hand.

I smiled and looked up to see Harry and Draco got it too. You smiled at both off them.

" Now once you have got a hold off your broom I want you to mount it and grip it tight you DO NOT WANT To be sliding at the end when I blow my whistle I want you to kick off from the ground and keep your brooms steady, hover from a moment then lean forward slightly and touch back down , on my whistle One two thre--

Nevile kicks up faster and starts to fly-

Mr Longbottom Mademe Hooche says a little mad get back down hear at once

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Mr Longbottom Mademe Hooche says a little mad get back down hear at once.

Mam, I do not think he can he has absolutely no control over that broom.

She nodded at you.

Maybe this will help you told takin out you wand and aiming it at Nevile. Hermione saw what you are doing N/n no you will hurt Nevile ,You smiled at her "I know what I am doing do not worry." You wand starts glowing to a faint golden you softly get the broom under control and land Nevile and the broom softly. All the students and the teacher looked at you in awe you ran to "Nevile, Nevile are you alright?"  a little shaken up Nevile faints you lightly levitate Nevile.

"Mam you have too take him to the hospital wing he twisted his arm while flying and he does not look too god either" Hooch looked at him horrified, "Oh my my she cried indeed thankyou miss Black I will take him there."

"Now until I am gone if I see a single broom in the air The person who is riding it will be expelled."

I saw the remembral  falling knowing it would break if it touches the ground and the remembrall was so far to throw a spell at it which you di to Nevile you took your broom and mounted it. N/n no Hermione and Draco shouted but you did not listen you flew extremly fast then you spotted Harry, Harry move from the other side if I can not catch it you have to orelse it willbreak. He nodded and di as you told after a while you caught it only to see Proffesor Mcgonall wonderfull what coulg go wrong you had a very soft landing while harry Needed to run a bit and then was in control. You went and hugged Harry we did it you told yes we did.

N/n Draco told you could have gotten yourself kill---

"Mr Potter Miss Black follow me" you herd Professor McGonagall  absolutely just great.

"Professor" You  tried  "follow me" she sternly said.

She went to the DADA classroom and came back with a boy.

"Oliver I think I have found you a new chaser and seeker". She told.

"Thank god" you mumbled I am not expelled.


Nothing will happen This year between Voldemort and yourself the hints will happen from Year 2 properly things will happen at year 4.

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