A Newly-Found Spark

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It had been a month since you last saw Voldemort and met him near the Hogesmade lake. Voldemort had never been so busy recruiting new followers, Spreading his terror around the world. And finding Harry, You missed him meeting near the lake was worse then Umbridge to meet with Voldemort. 
Without his presence and the connections with Voldemort not reaching for miles, and the way he would talk his British accent which you had almost forgotten, and how icy his voice would be when he was angry or upset. And how terror would spread if his voice was silky. Sometimes you missed the cold touches of his hands when they'd brush upon your face or your hands. 
You had gotten an chance, you had been waiting all your life to talk to him, to get to know him, but you still wished to see him during the night fast asleep in your dreams. That was always better, those dreams really felt like Tom. The man you had so fallen in Love with. 
You couldn't find that tiny spark within Tom like in the first year it was an hypnotizing how Harry had helped you regain your senses. And in your second year you wanted to meet him alone, how he had given you an poison. 
But, the best of the sparks were in your sixth year, when you realized you were in Love with him. And how you brewed the potion with Tom, and how wonderful it felt. 
How sweet it was when Tom levitated you out when he dueled your late headmaster, how he took care of Umbridge who was dead for torturing you, how he would claim you were 'his princess' the whole wizarding world knew. 

Now, it felt as though he didn't even care. He no longer barely spoke or said anything towards you. And you missed him. You knew he was caught up in his wizarding world mania and such. You wished you could talk to Narcissa or Lucius your dear parents they would be the ones to really help you, or talk to your dad, and the best to talk to your Mother, your mother Luciana. 
All these choices had to be pushed to the back of your mind. 

You gave an deep breath turning to face the jewel opened in it's box, how it shone towards the sun and sparkled. It was the diadem of Ravenclaw. You couldn't bring yourself to destroy the diadem, and last night you had woken with an terrible start and saw the locket destroyed. And it felt as though a part of you had been destroyed. 
It was 3pm and you slowly made your way to the lake after an whole month and you were surprised to see Voldemort. Yes, it was him but he didn't look like that pitiless monster. He was there staring at the waters. 
You wondered if you should just stay where you are, or walk away. When he called out to you. 

"Y/n, your here?.... Unexpected." Voldemort said quietly. You slowly walked next to him and stood there staring ahead. 

"I was going to say.... it was unexpected for me, that your here, I haven't seen you since a month. So busy recruiting followers, and spreading terror?" You said but there was no contempt in your voice. 
"It's a part of my plans, I didn't think you'd ever come here once I had stopped ordering you to come.... but by all means it's good to see you." Voldemort softly said. Your fingers felt as though frozen and your throat felt dry. 

"I thought--" Voldemort interrupted you, "I was so busy I couldn't have time for you? No, It was wonderful to spend the time with you, however, seeing that you found the times I called you a torture session, I stopped calling you.... I didn't think you would ever come." Voldemort was speaking freely as though he didn't care. 

You felt an wrench to your heart and all this time you thought Voldemort didn't care, it was you. You didn't know what to do. 

"I'll take my leave Y/n, if your heart doesn't desire or have any wishes to know me. I'll leave it there, good bye." Just when he was about to Apparate away you caught his icy cold hands.

"Don't, I never thought about you that way... And I do want to get to know you.... like properly." Properly was a word people used to refer as 'going according to plan' or 'Going smoothly' it was however you thought of it, and as far as you could remember nothing for the past seventeen years is going according to pan therefore not going properly. 
You regretted the choice of word and Voldemort repeated "Properly?" He questioned. 

"As you said I was against my will." You said alternatively. "We met in the chamber of secrets, and in the graveyard of your fifth year, and in the department of Mysteries along in the Malfoy Manor quite a few times, why did you speak to me 'Properly?' and now 'not so proper?'" Voldemort knew what he was implementing your encounters with him were never by your will so what had gone Proper?

"I guess, I just don't find our connection anymore. Do you sometimes watch the prophecy? It's not shinning brighter it's like it's put to a stop and the beautiful roses you had given me the flowers are withering one by one.... It just doesn't feel like the first time anymore." You said truthfully. 
"We never tried Y/n. You never wanted this..." Voldemort said you couldn't read the look on his face anymore. 

You felt the anxiety which you had sink and dissolve in the same pit it had formed. You were no longer worried about what to say, what to think, it was just good enough just being around him. You also knew what you really wanted.

"I used to come here often..... All alone, it was better that way. How did you find out?" Voldemort asked you. 

"One day in my fourth year to get away from the hustle of the problems I had arrived here." 

"YOU ARE SO INSENSITIVE RONALD WEASLEY! AN TOTAL ARSE!" Hermione screamed attempting to hit him with his bag for being an complete idiot

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"YOU ARE SO INSENSITIVE RONALD WEASLEY! AN TOTAL ARSE!" Hermione screamed attempting to hit him with his bag for being an complete idiot. Though he had returned with the now broken locket of Slytherin, Hermione wanted nothing else than to curse him to oblivion. How dare he? How dare he? run into the woods without thinking. 

"I wanted to come back as soon as I left, I didn't know the way...." Ron said guilt consuming him. 

"Then how did you come back?" Harry questioned. 

"I think it was your voice Hermione, an whisper just an soft whisper barely audible.... This might sound mental.... but I think Dumbledore gave me this Deluminator because he knew I'd do something like this." Ron said. 

Hermione reached in front and took the locket. "We need to go to Godric's Hollow, for Christmas... It just feels wrong if we don't go there." Said Hermione softly. 

Harry and Ron nodded. "Besides, we've been here for far to long. We need to run anyway." 

As Harry and Ron were making arrangements to move the tent, Hermione was carefully examining the book's symbol which had an circle through which an triangle and circle along with a line passed through.

As Harry and Ron were making arrangements to move the tent, Hermione was carefully examining the book's symbol which had an circle through which an triangle and circle along with a line passed through

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