On An Winter

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"Woah mum look at the weather it looks like a blizzard will be there they even changed the Hogwart's Express Train timing." You said touching the cold surface of the glass window.

"Has been quite a storm since yesterday not a pleasant winter at all the roads are mostly covered with snow, The peaceful long walks I loved to take now I would rather only be at home. Warm. " Narrssisa said as she walked to the couch Sipping on the hot coffee made by the house elf.

"Gosh this was irritating I hoped for a few sunny days." You said walking to the couch smiling you picked up the mug with hot chocolate with wiped cream sprinklers and a few marsh mellows the smell tickled your nose as you sipped.

"Look at the bright side Sweetie now you can enjoy your hot chocolate much better."

"I enjoy it in the summer as well." You said opening the new story book you had purchased in the muggle world a few hours ago.

Then you herd someone clear there throat you did not pay attention since it is the season of cold. When you herd someone clear there throat again. This time you turned around and gave an highly amused smile.

"Well Well Dray what did you do to your hair?" You said smiling at him.

"Just a little change to you know .....look more Handsome." He said giving a little hair flip.

You and Narrssisa laughed.

"You look good Draco." Narssisa said you nodded in agreement.

You continued reading your book when you abruptly got up. You sort of threw the book on the tanle.

"Woah sis where are you going now?" Draco asked looking you up and down.

"Draco Why are you looking me up and down anyway I have to send a letter to my friends and Dad came home to ." You litteraly ran out of the door.

"She will see her friends today." Draco said to his mother.

"She will Draco I must tell you something. Y/n you love her right?" Narssisa said seriously.

"Of cource mother I do love her.

"Now, listen very carefully Sirius Black a murderer he has escaped Askaban and people believed he was a huge supporter of the Dark Lord. Now, that he has escaped imprisionment I think he is after Y/N and Harry to kill her. " Narssisa said.

"K--ill he--r? N--no I--I can-can't." Draco said.

"It is why I am asking you to protect her and yourself." Narssisa said kissing his forehead.

You had just finished writing letters to Hermione, Harry, Ron, Nevile and Luna.

You and luna meet in the term's end and kept in close via owl's. You to had become quite close with Nevile making you thus friends. Nevile and You had a herbology project and you had been paired up with him. He was terrific at the subject. Your encounter with Luna was when you helped her with a few immature bullies.

You went downstairs to see your dad handing over the coat to The house elf.

"Hi dad how was work?" You said coming down from the stairs.

"It was alright Darling and yours?"

"Did not do much spent a lot of time reading the most catchy news was Sirius Black escaped the worst cell. No one knows what in the world he want's to do but I want to talk to him." You said looking at your dad.

Lucius looked at you of cource you would have picked the Daily Prophet the instant you read the headlines after all you were his daughter. The thought of you getting killed or maimed scared him to death.

"Ok, so here's the thing darling you are not going to find of a murderer and not getting yourself killed you survived two years at school where you could have died. Is that not enough?" Lucius said putting his arm around your neck and leading you to the room where Narssisa and Draco was.

"Exactly Dad can't Merlin give me a break? Two death years survived and here come's the third." Lucius chuckled. "You and your comments."


"Both of you be careful be safe do not get yourself to any trouble and nonsense N/N you in particular since you love trouble so much and I mean do not get yourselves in life threatning situations we need to drop you at this shop since the train will be here tommorow. It is quite far so take care. The weather might be sunny at dawn." Narssisa said and hugged you and Draco she placed a kiss on your forehead.

"Take care." Lucius said.

Draco gave a curt nod to his father while your dad picked you up and hugged you.

"Take care darling Love you" He said kissing your cheeck.

"Love you to you and mum take care" You said hugging him.

He gently placed you on the floor giving you a last kiss.


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