Letters To The Malfoy's

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Today you were going to Hogsmeade with your friends, and trying to get some rest to yourself? You had made a list of memories that you knew did not tamper, you also knew you didn't exist in the past, so that photo?
"Y/n if that photo was there, could there be someone who saw how you looked in the future?" Ron asked sipping his butterbeer. "Oh don't be silly Ronald! how can anyone look into the future?" Protested Hermione.
"No Mione, I was thinking someone had looked into the future." You said pondering when Harry interjected.

"Y/n I was thinking... The professors when we interrogated them, said only one thing, Your mother was extremely skilled in charms, memory ones, and Divination isn't it odd, that you saw your mother in your dreams? who can talk to you? it's like she had a link to the past and present?" Harry made a valid point, you knew there had to be further depth on Lucina's protection. "And do you remember the memories Snape had showed you? Those couldn't tamper." Insisted Harry.
"And your mother's grave? It's in Little Hangelton is it not? Isn't it just stranger that she would have requested her grave at Hangleton?" Hermione said.

Things just got weird by the second, That photo how could it be there? How could your mother know and predicted her death? And that Locket? Maybe Snape still has it, that letter? 
You also recalled your memories when Lily, James, your father, Snape, and everyone knew her, they said she was predicting things, and they often came true. Just how? 
"Y/n I have an idea why don't you note this all down? every memory? Then you can write based on the timeline. For example, we know Luciana joined the order while fighting Voldemort, she died maybe after Lily had died. Y/n!" She suddenly called you looked at her with her sudden outburst.

"What if your mother knew of the Lost prophecy? What if she knew?" Harry breathed "I mean how else did she predict so much?" You looked away. "She never intended me to uncover the truth. Do you guys mind If I leave?" You asked knowing you needed some time for yourself, all of them nodded you thought for hours trying to make sense of this." 

You made your way to Hogwarts, and directly to your Uncle's office and found the locket kept wrapped in a beautiful box, You took out the beautiful green locket and opened the locket. It was that sad letter again, When something clicked into your mind, that day your memory showed you the truth, it showed your mother and it was the truth, maybe you could use your dreams to see the truth? 
If you were having so many problems in the tampered memories maybe you could use your dreams to your advantage? Voldemort yes, you were meeting him today, and you could ask him, he's like an encyclopedia he never gave an I don't know. 

Since no one was at Hogwarts you decided to visit the Malfoy Manor just maybe your parents? Maybe you could talk to them? They did give you a wonderful life except for those gruesome lies, You took the Floo powder from your Uncle's desk. "Malfoy Manor." You said and erupted green flames and in the worst-case scenario ended up directly in the living hall, great just great. 
Narcissa turned in the direction of the sound to see you, None of you spoke your throat had become uncomfortably dry. Neither of you knew what to speak. 
Why just why? you said in your mind, You wanted to see her. Came a voice.  It was just a very uncomfortable stare. 

Only then did you notice your mother's eyes swell with tears, "Y/n sweetie?" She chocked with pain evident, You sighed and nodded. 
"I miss you, mom." You finally said tears welling up in your eyes as well. You looked down trying to contain yourself. When two pairs of arms hugged you so tightly so warmly something you so dearly missed. You hugged her back instantly you had missed your mother so much and you felt your heart erupting with joy.

"Oh, sweetie I missed you so much..... I thought I'd never see you ever again." Sobbed Narcissa "I missed you a lot mom, and I know you still love me."

"I never stopped loving you, I never can." Narcissa rubbed your back "You are never losing touch with me mom, I can't not without your songs." You cried. 

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