Mad Eye Moody

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The Third Task is going to Happen on this coming Sunday and you don't know what to expect, There wasn't any clues, any hints were they so determined to Kill you? No wonder it is a death Tournament might as well die. Good for you but I can give you a percentage of 110/100 that Harry does not want to die.

You sighed as you sat down with your friends grabbing the toast and filling it with butter

Harry and Ron shared a look.

"Y/n what is it, it looks like you want to blast everyone." Ron said eating.

"Where should I start of the Third Task is on this Sunday and I don't know what to expect!" You replied putting your head down the table.

"Maybe, you need to relax you have all ready thought Harry so much I'm sure he will manage." Hermione tried Reassuring you, but nope that was not going to work.

"I would have if we would not die." 

"A few days ago I mean since you were young you were very happy about this Tournament now you want to blast it?" Ron asked chuckling.

"I am.. I am so Happy I got the chance to do what I have always wanted to but I didn't want Harry to be here." You finished.

Harry looked at you "Y/n just relax your stressing to much I will be fine and so will you the last challenge and if we die we die together right?"

"You want to die?"

"No, who told you that?"

"Mate, you just now said if we die we die together" Ron replied back to Harry.

"Honestly both of you shut up! let's see if you will say that when you are moments into death, Y/n has sense how did you become her friend?" Hermione said looking at a very annoyed Harry and Ron.

"I don't know maybe we are brave," Ron fired back.

"Or maybe just dumb!" Hermione said.

"Guys Guys calm down don't bicker I will see what I can do"

"Have you talked to Snape..He would help you right?"

"I have, he doesn't know either but Moody must know." You said but paused "But, something is not right about him there is some dark magic around him?" 

"Dark magic?" Hermione confirmed.

"Yes, don't you see what he drinks? He always has an entire bottle to drink... Not pumpkin juice I'm sure and whatever he is drinking is not Tasty." 

"N/n do you know what it could be."

You shook your head no.

"Is it normal for an--"

"Polyjuice Potion, he is drinking that, Once he couldn't find the bottle and his hair seemed to fade in  a different way."

"If it is not Moody then who is he?" Ron asked.

"That is something we can't find out or at least they don't want us to know even Igor Kakroff."

"The Headmaster of Durmstrange institute?" Hermione asked "Well is it because they teach dark arts? And your father wanted to send Malfoy there because there old friends?"

"No, that is not the problem it is fine if they teach dark arts and is a friend of my father but...Look it works like this for me since I have been seeing Voldemort I can sense his followers who follow him who are loyal to him and this is might seem insane...but Kakroff I assure you is a umm a Death eater" 

"What?" All of them yelled.

"Quiet down you three it is etched on his left forearm I have other suspicions to but I don't want to think about it." You said.

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