Aboard The Hogwarts Express

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The rest of the summer went in a blur, Nothing was ever quite the same. People had become frightened and restless, concerning Voldemort's return, They were afraid of their life and there lives of their loved ones, Hogwarts had ensured Security more than ever now, Many students had dropped out of school and were now being homeschooled- Diagon Alley was never the same many shops had closed and not a soul was moving except in groups-

"Diagon Alley doesn't feel like Diagon alley right?" Harry asked when he noticed all the shops closed, and barely anybody roaming, "You miss the hustle and bustle. That's how it's gonna be I guess till Voldemort is dead." You said sadly "No one will go out except in groups right?" Hermione asked, "Most likely there had been another attack at the Alley last Wednesday. Fenrir Greyback was present too, I don't even know how many people he had infected." You said looking around at Ollivanders which was now completely broken down-"I never thought that I'd see this shop closed. Where will everyone get their wands now?"  Hermione said horrified seeing the condition of the store.

"Perhaps by other dealers... I doubt that it will be that good." You said looking around sadly "Feels very numb." You commented. 

"Look that's Fred and George's joke shop! people need some laughter nowadays." Ron said leading you all to the shop.

The place was rather a break from the depressing aura it looked fun and lively, particularly nothing useful, there was mainly a joke but was much better than outside, You looked around smiling when you saw people laughing, and talking cheerfully I guess people do need a laugh these days. "Y/n?" Harry asked you hummed indicating you were listening, "How is Sirius?" 

"Sirius huh? He's not able to stay at home, he goes here and there, must be feeling exhausted at one place, But I'm always worried because last time Lucius recognized dad." You said the last part hurtfully he was in Azkaban now wasn't he? Harry hugged you, "I'm sorry." 

"No no that's alright I'm just trying.. never mind." You said Harry  brushed your tears." 

"You might not want to talk, but are you in Love with Voldemort?" He asked suddenly your throat was stuck, you could feel weak "W-what no. Of course not." You said trying to make your voice as confident as possible, Harry looked at you but didn't push it, "You all got your books and everything?" You asked completely changing the subject, "I just wanted to ask anyone off you here taking care of magical creatures. I am not taking and Hagrid was quite disappointed but can't help it...My ambition lies elsewhere" You said exiting the shop, "I am not taking that subject, Hermione, Ron" All of them nodded no "We like Hagrid but he can't possibly think we'd take that subject?" Ron said, "Hagrid's gonna be pretty disappointed." Ron said after a while.


You were all boarding the train, as usual it was loud of parents waving there children goodbye, You and your friends found an compartment and this time none of you were in the mood to speak. You were simply lost in your own thoughts, You thought endlessly on Tom, He was the first thing you thought in the morning and the first thing you thought before you slept, and Harry's words When he said Are you in love with Voldemort? Kept ringing in your eyes, You thought how would it have been if Voldemort didn't go down the path he went, you were curious to know about him, his parentage, his childhood, his personality and your dreams were getting worse you wanted it to stop- Yes you admired him, you'd see him...But it was getting worse, The voices in your head were like an loud siren and people speaking, you could hear things in your sleep, though you were asleep it was like your mind begged to close to shut down, and simply sleep. 
Your thoughts wandered to your family, life with the Malfoy's, Life was so simple back then, you were so innocent if only one can know what was going to happen in there future, You thought on Narcissa and Lucius even on Draco, who since last year had been oddly distant- You didn't bother approaching him and he didn't either, What was happening? 
You knew that the Malfoy's were failing missions after missions, Voldemort mustn't have gone easy on them- What was there punishment? Maybe an debt to pay? But what type? 
The Cruciatus curse maybe to watch them in pain? Maybe an much darker punishment, It made you shudder when you thought on what he might have done. Voldemort to didn't keep in touch with you, the rose he had given in the department of Mysteries and that sweet letter was the last one, You thought on and one-When suddenly your eyes widened, The Prophecy you had it, you brought it from the department, oh my god why hadn't you checked it?

If you remember correctly it must be in the trunk under the pouch near the parchments, A thing to do. You were cut from your thoughts when you saw Harry get up-"Your going somewhere?" You asked it sounded like you were some controlling mother he might just go to the washroom, "I'll be back" Harry simply said. You noticed he had taken the invisibility cloak what did he want to do with that? And that ball thing you swore you saw it in Fred and George's joke shop, Yes it was a distractor. You were going to follow him when he used the distractor making a thick black smoke appear, and then you'd confront him- Harry took the cloak and got near the trunks.

"Sit down Draco it's just probably some first years playing a prank around." Pansy said to Draco who was seeing around the source of the bomb, Draco snickered "Hogwarts" Draco almost spat "What an pathetic excuse for school" Pansy looked at Draco in confusion, "Now what's that supposed to mean?" 
"Well let's just say I'm not going to be wasting by time in charms class next year." Draco said when he thought he noticed the trunks slightly move, When Blaise chuckled "Amused Blaise? We'll see who is laughing at the end." Draco said gritting his teeth. 

The train had stopped indicating they had reached- "You guys go on I need to check something." Draco said when he noticed Pansy and Blaise were waiting for him, Once they had left Draco aimed his wand "Petrificus Toctalus"

Harry came down with a loud thud, "Didn't mummy ever tell you it was rude to eavesdrop Potter?" Draco spoke with hate "Oh right she was dead before you could even learn some manners." Draco stomped on Harry's face breaking his nose, as Blood filled it "That's from my father." Draco covered him with his cloak and exited the door, "Guys where is Harry?" You asked concerned now that you've reached Hogwarts and he didn't come back. "Probably already outside come on N/n" Ron said followed by Hermione, "I'm not sure on that.. I'm just gonna check once more, You both go on." They nodded and left, You walked in each compartment checking it, when you reached the Draco's compartment wow he didn't even say hello, Your wand detected something, "Finete" You said as Harry gasped coming upwards right now he hated Draco more than anything, and he hated you love him so much, "Oh my what happened to you dear?" You asked shocked at his condition, "Nothing" 

You scoffed "Nothing? Episkey" His nose fixed, You brought your bag and some tissues with ice to dab the blood of, "Thanks" 
"Now what happened?"

"Draco he umm stomped my face?" You were shocked and soon horrified "But why?" You breathed "I think he's a Death Eater" He blurted with you following him. "Death Eater? He's not evil." You tried to reassure yourself "Later we need to get to Hogwarts." 

Professor Flitwik was scanning the list, "Oh there you are! Finally I was going to set the Enchantments your names please." He said you furrowed your eyebrows "Professor you've known me and Y/n for five whole years." 

"No Exceptions Mr Potter." Flitwik said.

You spotted Draco and your Uncle talking to somebody, Snape glared at Harry you gave a small smile, You looked at Draco. He just went without saying anything to you, Your godfather gave you an small smile as he came to you, "Y/n Professor Snape is coming" Harry said very panicked. "Relax Harry why worry when I'm here, I'll talk to my Uncle I've seen very little of me. I'm sure he'll pay you no attention." You said walking forward to meet your Uncle. "Y/n dear how have you been? Sending letters risky now?" 
"I've been consumed, Letters I've sent a few then dad said it's to dangerous the owl could be tracked." You said. "Sirius" Snape gritted his teeth "Do you know what happened with Draco he's been umm acting distant recently?" You asked.


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