The Words Of The Lost Prophecy

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Harry turned around his pillow he couldn't sleep, a pit of a hollow emptiness made him sick, he felt so in doubt, It was his father, Harry turned a bit more, Luciana sacrificed herself, looked into the future, just so James, Lily, Y/n, Sirius and her loved ones could have hope she took The Cruciatus curse until her last breath. In return, his father looked upon Luciana as an abomination and parasite to no good. 
His father in truth was an arrogant, self-centered jerk. He didn't care, he hated people who he thought were up to no good, While Luciana she tried to make friends have peace everywhere if she hadn't Y/n wouldn't have been alive. In front of Harry laid the entire truth. He wondered how you were feeling now. You were walking through the Black lake. Lost in the thoughts of your mother. You felt a wave of dislike towards James, He didn't know anything about her. Maybe it was better he was dead. Brave or not, If he had just had a less arrogant heart. Luciana may have been alive, If the enchantments were done by her and not the last moment they'd have been alive.
So it made sense now, Everything was linked to your mother all this time. 
It was done for protecting, every false thing, every assumption was nowhere near the truth, no book, this was the truth this was the memory. 
You sighed heavily. The potion Amor et Nexus would be completed today, and finally, you could focus less on your past everything was found.

There won't be any lies now... just we have to fight till the end. What truth was shown was bitterly expected. 

You reached for your bag but felt a heavyweight make you sink, you wondered if anyone would have a problem if you'd just close your eyes for a while, would they? 
Would they mind? If none of the classes were attended for today? 
When you felt a sudden weight on your shoulder, you saw it was your Uncle. He was looking stern but his eyes were soft as ever, "It's been Fifteen years Uncle..... Since I've seen these lies, and now when the truth stands right here, right now..... I miss the pitiful lies... Everything shown was no way bitter like these right?" You painfully asked. 
"Your mother used her talents to the limit... Everything had a cost... She had to be willing to pay, magic is great Y/n, for the people who are willing to give, Lucie gave too much from her unusual requests... She befriended Hepzibah Smith and looked into the future gave her the photo of the future you..... So, she knew the Dark Lord was visiting her and befriended her... giving her time to store this memory and asking her parents to give this memory to her at the right time. She carefully planned this... The only problem was James!" He spat hatefully "Lucie was supposed to be the secret keeper she wouldn't have needed to look into the future nothing, her enchantments would have been so good, The dark Lord wouldn't dare attack! None of this was important. 
She didn't need to die at all. If James had simply kept his mouth shut! None of them would have died. Potter, would have lived with his parents!" Snape said painfully. You hugged him feeling overwhelming pain through your heart. 

Which withered pitifully at the impact. "James! he was wrong Lucie was the strongest woman I ever knew..... and the kindest. If only.... she didn't have to leave, you have no idea Y/n the sacrifice she had been doing.... for a whole year... James would regret it."

Harry looked down at his shoes, he was astounded, hurt he could never look at the way he used to, to his father. How could his father have been so insensitive? so immature couldn't he see? didn't he think? Looked like he wasn't that great, just bold and arrogant. He heard Snape the professor who he would do everything to avoid confessing his sorrows to you, you were his best friend, who understood him, gave him the advice he so desperately needed and it comes down to this?

Harry sighed heavily. You bid farewell to your Uncle before reaching for your bag. You saw Harry looking disturbed and you knew he had overheard your conversation. 
"Now, for someone who tells me to get out of their mind... odd to see  them eavesdropping on the conversation." You began lightheartedly but softly. 

"Do you hate me Y/n?" Harry asked fearing everything.

"Harry... look, listen to me... what has been done it's been done, yes this happened and there could have been a better way on how things could have turned out... but that's okay.... we need to see what's next now... make all these sacrifices count right? Mourning and wishing have never helped... it's alright Harry... Let all of them who have been sacrificed rest in peace." You said softly. 

"I miss them." Harry said again "We all do... miss our loved ones... there watching us... " You said.

You were trying to comfort Harry. "So the prophecy will open today?" Harry finally smiled "After a lot of work." He added.

"That's the plan." You said "Now I need to go... but that does not mean you slouch around. See you in the evening." You said.

You went outside the gate and Apparated to the Malfoy Manor, You creaked the gate slowly opened and walked careful not to run into Greyback, But your mother would never allow and Werewolf inside the Manor, or Bellatrix or worse your dad. When you turned to a corner you had the worst leap. You bumped straight into Lucius oh just why? why? the words rang through your mind. 
You both stood frozen. Before any more awkwardness you looked down and almost sprinted to the next corner before reaching the room, you and Tom would usually do all your work. You entered the room and noticed the potion boiling on the counter, and Tom he wasn't there. You set your bag and observed the room, completely green, and black books, The daily Prophet on the table. You went to the potion and took out your book and began working when suddenly someone Apparated. 

"Y/n love, What a pleasant surprise." You said nothing and continued with your work. "So how's the potion coming out?" He asked you looked at him "All good.. just add the Unicorn hair it's done." You said. He brought the unicorn hair and put it inside the pot. When the potion began boiling unnaturally, fast and quick. 

"Put the prophecy in quick!" Voldemort said you grabbed your bag taking the Prophecy and almost throwing it in the potion. When the boiling stopped and transformed to a blue, sparkly liquid. When a beautiful unnatural mellow it was playing around the background.

After you had discussed all of this between Dumbledore, Snape, and your friends. 
You were walking to your dorm.

"What now?" Hermione asked following you "We've got to be prepared. What else? I should have known weeks ago. The concept of Soulmates."

"Let's go to Dumbledore Harry."

Harry nodded and with quick steps followed you, You both went to Dumbledore's office. 

"With everything shown Harry, Y/n. You both need to follow me." Dumbledore said the moment you both entered the room. 
"Sir, did you know? The Horcrux and all?" Harry asked "It confirmed my doubts about the memory." Dumbledore said.

"Now, we'll be going somewhere deep. Far. I need you both to give me your word." Dumbledore said. 
"Sir?" You asked uncertainly ignoring your voice he began.

"Will you both do exactly as I say?" Dumbledore asked you and Harry uncertainly looked at each other "Without asking any questions?" Dumbledore added. 

You both nodded "Yes." Harry said.

"And if I am to tell you to leave me and go? will you do it?" He asked you nervously looked around.

"I want your word, Miss Black." Dumbledore said so sternly you didn't dare disagree "Yes Professor." You whispered, "Now we can go." 

Dumbledore Apparated all of you to the middle of the waves, the waves were fierce and high.

"We'll need to reach the cave... This cave Riddle he brought two children here, they were so traumatized on what they saw they couldn't speak." Dumbledore took a deep breath "It was often his pleasure, to see someone in pain, and misery undoubtedly. 

"How did Tom, how did he even get in here Professor? Surely he was good at magic, but not so advanced To Apparate right?" You asked Dumbledore. 

"He had unusual waves I must admit. I didn't know." He said. 

"You both wouldn't mind a swim would you?" 

You and Harry shook your heads no. 

Prophecies and Lies|| Tom Riddle/ Voldemort X ReaderKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat