Narcissa's Tears

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You had arrived at the Weasleys with Harry, Your father had requested you to go there. You were greeted by hugs from the Weasleys while Molly brought you a hug. "Hello, Y/n dear!" She beamed so glad to see you, You smiled "Hello Mrs. Weasleys." You greeted back, as Harry to was greeted by hugs. You spotted Hermione and rushed to hug her "Mione! Has been so long! I told you to call me!" You exclaimed happily "Hello. Miss Y/n check your phone do you have any idea? How many times I've called? for you to tell I haven't called??" Hermione glared at you, You took your phone shocked at the number of missed calls, and texts you hadn't read "You know right Y/n sending letters to you is dangerous!? And why was your phone off!?" 

"Oh my god, Mione! I didn't even know! I am so so sorry! How do I make it up to you?" You asked checking the texts, "Never mind that Y/n the thing is you here now." She hugged you tightly "I was so worried." You smiled "Thank you--"

"N/N HERMIONE COME UPSTAIRS I NEED TO TELL YOU ALL SOMETHING!" Harry yelled, Hermione, rolled her eyes while you giggled. 


"So.. How old is Dumbledore?" Harry asked jokingly "I don't know fourteen or fifteen right Y/n?" Ron joked, which set you all in laughs. Harry had burned the daily prophet before you had appeared so that you wouldn't stare and cry, At these times you cared very little on the world around.


An faint pop sounded and a tall woman wearing a green hood named Narcissa strolled in quick step in Spinner's end making quick steps through the pouring rain, and then another louder pop revealed an woman with an black hood-"Cissy wait! You shouldn't do this! That Y/n girl, You know how the Dark Lord had wanted her and you send her away!? The Dark Lord will kill you! This is betrayal of him!" Bellatrix cried frightful of the punishment they would need to endure if Voldemort found out." But, Narcissa paid her no heed and walked faster, Bellatrix walked faster and took a hold of Narcissa' wrist "Cissy! You shouldn't, The Dark Lord--"

"Y/n might not be here right now, and I haven't seen her since two years but that doesn't mean she isn't my daughter." Narcissa snarled freeing her grip "But, You know how h-"

"I don't care.. If the dark lord holds her as prisoner." Bellatrix noticed there isn't anyway Narcissa will stop she tried one last time "Cissy Snape he can't be trusted!"

"The Dark Lord trusts him" Narcissa replied in short. "The Dark lord.. I believe is mistaken." Bellatrix replied panting. Narcissa knocked on the door "You've got to be for real! He lives here? In this muggle dumpster? This is such an disgrace." Snape opened the door and saw Narcissa, "Narcissa come in" Snape gestured as Narcissa mumbled a soft thank you and entered inside, "Bellatrix" Snape smirked mockingly "Snape" Bellatrix entered as the three of them made themselves to the living room, "No one is there right?" Narcissa asked nervously looking around "Of course not we're not counting vermin. Worm tail can bring us drinks." Snape said almost demanding staring at the dirty man "I won't be doing that.. The dark lord told me to assist you and not being an servant" Squeaked the man "There is a big difference." 

"Really? Then I must have a word with him." Snape slowly said, Peter looked around and went after some time came with three glasses and elf made wine. Snape gave an glass to Bellatrix and one to Narcissa. "Severus umm how is Y/n?" He silenced her by lifting his hand, He waved his wand which shut the door hearing an loud squeak "Sorry Narcissa Worm tail has an habit to eavesdrop no worries now, So you were asking how Y/n is?" He said your name softly "Yes.. Severus please how is she?" Narcissa chocked trying her best not to cry over you again "I've been seeing very little of her, I have only kept in touch through owl's with her, She's started working harder on her career and I think this year she'll choose what she wants to become." Snape said not revealing any of your true whereabouts and nothing on Sirius.

Narcissa looked at Snape "W-Where does she stay?" 

"Most likely in the home of someone in the order.. I don't think I have the information." Snape lied, "You? The Dark lord trusts you?" Bellatrix suddenly called "Why Bellatrix? You seem that your dislike against me.. Has now affected my loyalty to the Dark Lord somehow?" Snape said coolly to The black haired woman "Loyalty?--"

"You don't seem to trust me, May I as to inquire why?" 

"Oh! A hundred reasons where do I start? Let's see... Where were you in the Dark Lord's return?-"

"You think The dark Lord has not asked me your questions beforehand? Or maybe you think I have somehow hoodwinked the dark lord?"

"I-I don't get it I was in Azkaban proving my ultimate loyalty and what about you?" Snarled Bellatrix, Snape merely chuckled almost mockingly "Unlike you Bellatrix, Stuck in Azkaban and doing nothing useful... I have been an rather enduring spy, I've provided him crucial benefits as an spy." Bellatrix seemed to be in a lose of words "And Harry! What have you been doing with him!? When you had him under your mercy for so long!?" Bellatrix glared. 

"Isn't it a miracle the Boy brought the Dark Lord to life again." Snape answered shortly "And what about the girl?--"

"Odd isn't it that the dark lord has not started tracking her down? He's not brought her name in a lot of meetings, The dark lord wants her happy and it's none of our concern." Snape ended. Bellatrix went quite and looked at the floor with envy and hurt, Why you? She thought, Years of loyalty, dedication and he choose you you were not what he should have wanted.. But yet he seems so infatuated by you, Like you had him in an sort bewitchment. She gritted her teeth with envy why her!? She glared unless, You were dead gone! And Voldemort would finally be hers like forever. Seeing Bellatrix fall quiet Snape turned to Narcissa-

"Go on Narcissa." He spoke diverting his attention, Narcissa had balled her fists on her lap staring intently at them as tears fell on her pale hands "The Dark Lord.. He's ordered Draco to a Suicide mission.. For Lucius's failure I know it! I just know it!"  Narcissa cried. "Severus if you could--"

"No Narcissa, I am not going to pretend the Dark Lord isn't angry, He's angry very much. No talking, will persuade him to withdraw this mission.. It's an punishment for Lucius's failure." Snape said firmly "Oh Severus! Please- I've lost my Y/n and I can't loose Draco... He's just a boy." Narcissa begged getting on her knees taking Snape's cold hand. "Narcissa look I can't persuade him." Snape helped Narcissa on the sofa "Drink the vine Narcissa and calm down." Narcissa took one shaky sip "Y/n- She's always in danger.. The ministry holds a grudge because Lucius had raised her, and she might be alone, And now my son!" Narcissa said helplessly.

"Narcissa please calm down, Y/n is fine she's stronger now. I may not be able to persuade him, But I may be able to help Draco." Snape said, a glimmer of hope seem to sparkle in Narcissa's eyes as she kissed the balk of his hand "Thank You Severus thank you." 

"Make the unbreakable vow." Demanded Bellatrix "These are just words.. He'll do his best in theory but when it comes to the field he'll just back down like every coward, Coward!" Bellatrix smirked knowing her words will get to him "Take out your wand Bellatrix!" Demanded Snape

Bellatrix caste the knot as Narcissa spoke "Will you Severus Snape Protect Y/n and Draco?" Narcissa started Snape already vowed to protect you, long before now "I will" Snape said.

"Will you to the best of your powers protect them from harm?" 

"I will" 

"If Draco should fail will you execute the task yourself?" 

Snape after sometime said "I will" Bellatrix withdrew the knot an evil gleam radiating from her eyes, Narcissa however looked far more grateful "Thank You Severus Thank you." She couldn't express the gratitude to Snape.


Once the sisters had left Snape pondered Narcissa to missed you, Now he had to get Lucius out of the cell or else you, Narcissa, and Draco would suffer- He got himself a parchment and a quill writing an letter to check up on you as it had been a while.

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