The Diary

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Next day you were visit Myrtle you started talking to her at the end of the first year she would tell you what happened in her school life you were going to inquire about something and simply talk to her. When you saw the bathroom flooded looks like someone has insulted her you took out your wand and the next moment the water was cleared all.

"Myrtle? You in here someone insulted you is it if so as I say again just do not care those people are everywhere." You said.

She came in front off you.

"Thank you N/N" She said as you smiled at her.

"Actually I wanted to ask you something tell me everything you know about this boy his name was Tom Marvolo Riddle. Do you happen to know something about him?" You asked.

"Oh that boy well let us see when you first see him He is the most handsome charming boy with his seductive british english many girls swooned over him but was never intrested in any of the girls. He was an orphan but brilliant very talented student in every subject he passed with honurs exceed expectations in OWL'S AND NEWT'S. He was known as Parentless but brilliant a model student in his 6th year I died. As you see he was very mysterious But bloody handsome. But he dated no one."

"Thank you Myrtle so now all I know he was talented, Perfect in many teacher's eye and Handsome?" You said this info was good but not so good.

"Oh N/N, look that is the book some mean boys were throwing."

Myrtle motioned you went and took the book and gently took out your wand to clean it a journal Tom Marvolo Riddle.


You went to find your friends.

When you saw Hermione in the hallways with the boys ok now I have to tell someone what is happening.

"I have something I think you should know." You stated sitting down.

"What is it N/n?" Harry asked?

Hermione and Ron stopped what they are doing and looked at you.

"Well every night since the first year I dream about a boy it is like the dream is showing him random scenarios I see dad also and mum. But they look like they are in an diffrent timeline.

It keeps on bugging me I tried to ask Myrtle about this since she was there all It is said is Talent, Academicaly inclined and handsome. I was curious so I checked it in the library and found nothing about this boy. So, I searched for his last name Riddle so yet I found nothing So I searched the middle name Marvolo seems that it is his grandfather his magical blood lienage comes from the mother side Gaunts Marvolo is in Askaban In some random cell I need to get in touch with him."

After the long speech the three of them looked at you a little shocked and suprised you would go this far for your curiosity.

"N/n would have been better if you told us before and not put it on us like a bombshell but, since you did that if you have been dreaming bout this boy. Is from a difrent timeline then Something is trying to connect to you." Hermione said looking concerned.

"Will not be better to leave it since nothing has happened yet?" Ron asked.

"Oh, yeah I need to show you all something." You took out the Diary and gave it to one of them.

"Tom Marvolo Riddle." Hermione said.

"That is the name off the boy I have been dreaming."

"Now, we have to do something agreed.

"I will write a letter to my parents they were there in the timeline they could tell me something my parents also looked so cute together." I said giggling at your parents time together.

Ron gave you a are you serious look.

Lucius can actully love Ron thought in his mind.

Ron, I know my father can be a bit barsh but he Loves a few people I said smiling.


Dear Mum and Dad,

Of cource I am going to come this winter to home And I am fine well except that This started when I first came to Hogwarts it happened in the middle of the sorting cermony. I have been dreaming about a boy every night His name is Tom Marvolo Riddle. The memory just shows what he is doing indistinct talking. You both were also there in the timeline and you seemed to know this boy. So, I was hoping you could tell me something about him all I know about him is that he is a half blood Talent- SMART - Handsome(I do not know from which angle.) I will tell you both when I meet you in person. Sometimes it happened the night before and when it happens for a long time I think it is why I can not eat properly. Please do not hide anything and I do not know Ollivander told something and Profesor Dumbeldore is talking to me in his riddle language. Is this normal no, I do not think so I think I am going mad.

Yours truly


I put the letter in the envelop and patted my owl please give this to My mum or dad.


At the manor-

The owl came to lucius's study who was doing his work at the ministry But was at home Narssisa had gone to run some errands so Lucius read your owl first. The owl came and dropped the letter on the desk Lucius gently patted the owl. The owl flew away. Looks like N/n does not know how we will take the news Lucius thought cause he knew when something was up you would tell your owl not to wait for reply. He opened the letter and began to read it once he finished his hands became cold His blood ran cold.

Once Narrsisa had returned.

"Narrssisa dear, This owl from N/N it was not supposed to happen it can't" He said so soon out of breath."

"Lucius, what happened?" Narrssisa panicked.

Lucius handed her the letter.

Narrsissa gently took the letter from Lucius and began to read it after she finished her face became stoic.

So it means it has begun? Lucius asked?

"Yes, N/N is having the connection with the dark Lord when he returns N/N will not be safe at home. The Dark lord might become Obssesd with her. We must protect her." Narssisa said looking down at the letter. "Lucius, what do we tell her? She is not someone to be fooled. We can not lie to her the prophecy?"

"I do not know Narssisa if we go dirrectly to Hogwarts as soon as we got the letter she will figure out there is something." Lucius said looking out the window.

"We can not tell her the truth not at all."


Prophecies and Lies|| Tom Riddle/ Voldemort X ReaderOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz