Werwolves and Dogs

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"Oh please sweet little girl you won't let me get taken my those Dementors would you?" Petigrew said to Mione she did not reply just held him there.

Then I saw the moon my eyes widened in shock "Mione look the moon a full moon!" You exclaimed Sirius and Remus immediately turned to look at the now transforming Lupin.

 You took out your wand and muttered a strong spell "This will Keep Lupin under control don't let Peter escape" You motioned to the rat who was transforming.

Then you saw your magic was detoriating going against nature..... 

"Hurry up n/n magic can't hold him forever." Mione shouted But it was to late Peter had escaped and now in front off you was a fully grown werwolf it attempted to scratch you before it could do your dad or I mean Padfoot lunged on it the dog was growling. The dog took the werwolf to  the forest then it hit you how can a dog beat a werwolf?

"Dad no!"

You chased behind it with Harry following you closely. "Harry you here why?" "Two things actually for you and second for Sirius."

"Fair" You said.

You both stopped where you saw Sirius in a horrible condition and dementors everywhere. 'Expecto Patronum' you said your incantation a (Which ever Patronus you want)

It scared all the Dementors away Harry had been fainted feeling a strong headache you crouched down near a tree 

"You must find her she has soft shiny h/c beautiful e/c lips as red you must bring her to me." A voice of a pale snake like figure voice echoed.

"My Lord? What will this girl do to benefit us?" An stupid mudblood!" An black cloured haiir woman said from next to him as she leaned closer to him...her eyes were filled with jealousy mere words could not explain her longing for closeness.

"Do not question my dessicions Bellatrix now go!" 

To the far corner of your left you saw your mother as in Narsissa she sat stiff and rigid. You spoted Lucius gracefully next to the snake like figure.

All bearing the infamous dark mark..........The followers of Voldemort.

You could not believe it no dream of yours was wrong it took you sometime your parents were death eaters........This happened all the time so you did not pay heed to this dream.


When you woke up you saw you guys were in the hospital wing 

How did they even find you?

"N/N you alright? You were in a sort of trance?"

"I am alright Sirius where is he?"

"In Askaban he is going to suffer the dementor's kiss-

"Sirius Black is innocent h-he did not do the murder- you jumped of the bed

"Miss Black please calm down."

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