The Third Task

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I should have been in bed under the covers and over the soft covers snuggled up but here I am it is 2 Am and I'm in the restricted section of the library am I practicing early mornings for a productive day? no that will never happen maybe it is the fact that the tournament will start in 7 hours and I'm going to die Filch is also not here to say 'Detention out of bed out of bed!" Now I'm getting to much I paced anxiously as I looked in the spells to top it all of Luciana's eyes wouldn't stop glowing red and My instincts tell me something very bad is happening in my heart when Voldemort died he didn't I still felt his life beating he is alive and today I feel a lot closer to him what is going on.

"Y/n? What in the world are you doing here at this time?" I instantly knew the voice of the owner.

"I don't know the Tournament starts in seven hours of mine and Potter's possible death and didn't give a clue or a hint and they expect us to not to worry? Great souls they are." I  said to my  godfather as I  anxiously flipped the pages.

"How much did you learn dear?"

"Very very little to survive I did do the elemental magic, I have done all the branches of the advanced Transfiguration but my my  I must keep in some potions are we allowed to carry.?"

"Ok Calm down Y/n the tournament is maybe not even so hard just take a deep breath you are powerful strong and very talented good enough to fight the Dark lord himself."

"So what should I do?" I huffed sitting on the couch.

"Maybe you can start of by getting rest you will be restless if you don't rest."

"No, I don't want to I'm awake and Falling asleep again will be hard"

"Y/n are you liking Tom  Riddle?" Snape asked out of the blue.

You looked at him "Meaning?" "Are you attracted to him?"

"Maybe" You sighed.


No one's POV-

Today is the last Task to your relief but also the most dangerous one your parents had been sick and worried, It didn't help them when they found out how stressed you were. You, Harry, Ron and Hermione were making your way to the place where your final Task was going to happen.

Hermione hugged you "Y/n Harry come out alive please." You instantly hugged her and pulled Ron and Harry to an group hug. "We will Hermione after all if Y/n is there nothing to fear." Harry smirked. "Please don't keep such high hopes I feel so unprepared" You slightly leaned against Harry. "Don't say that N/n if you feel unprepared that means Harry is not prepared!" Ron said it so naturally all of you started laughing.

When you felt another pair of warm hands around you "Malfoy? What are you doing here?" Harry said annoyed.

"Pottah! She is my sister your not the only ones who love her we do to N/n come with me Mum and Father."

"Ahh Right Draco Harry you mind?"

"No go on" Harry smiled. As Draco dragged you.

"Mother, Father here she is."

Narsissa looked at you with Tears in her eyes as she hugged you.

"Mum calm down I made it to two tasks I'll make it through this one to I promise." You cooed as you hugged her.
"Oh I know you will Sweet heart I know just take care I love you so much." 
"As do I mum." 

You pulled away as you warmly smiled she kissed your forehead as you went to your dad who was not crying but the pain was clear as he hugged you "Y/n Darling I love you so much take care alright." 
"I will dad both of you calm down that Tri-Wizard cup is mine" You said smiling.

"Champions please assemble quickly Y/n come here down if your done." 

You smiled at your family before heading back down where Harry, Fleur, Cedric and Krum were already there "Good luck all of you." You wished them.
"Good Luck they said together."

"So First Y/n will go since she has won two tasks than Harry and Cedric followed by Fleur and Victor. Y/n will go alone for an Hour before the rest of the Champions can go.  A cup has been hidden Y/n most likeable object that is the Cup since Y/n wants it so bad."

Many people chuckled even your parents "Y/n I'm telling you make good use of it your going first one hour advantage now be ready."

Harry hugged me so did Fleur and Cedric "All the very best N/n" Harry wished you smiled "To you to." You looked at the announcer once who winked at you as you entered the Tunnel shaped thing.

You went inside the feeling of emptiness absorbed you now you had to find the cup where ever it is you spotted an open field as you walked towards it as your heels clicked as you walked Then you came across something like an Dead Corpses? But no it couldn't be they didn't smell you continued walking mindlessly you had to search the entire of this when you saw two spells shoot out from someone You took your wand and started attacking the Dead Corpses as they rose

"Flipendo" You yelled causing them to fly. "Diffendio" You stared running. Once you had gotten rid of those you checked your watch Five mins to Eleven pm the other Champions would be allowed. 

You walked faster fighting magical beasts, to boggarts and after what felt like forever you saw a red spark shoot up in the sky Harry was there you appiarted to him.

"Harry Thank god alive? Come on let's move." You urged as he followed you herd Fleur screaming she was being eaten by plants "Diffendio" The ones broke as you took Harry and Ran.

"Why did you leave her she needs help?"

"An illusion I should have foreseen Harry faster this place ain't safe" You saw Victor trying to attack "Expelliarmus"

Finally you all saw the cup together "cedric?"

He nodded you smiled as you touched the cup it appiarted to a Graveyard..

"Seriously a Graveyard" You herd Cedric say you looked at the stones "Tom Riddle" Your blood ran cold.

Then you felt your Heart beating rapidly out of nervousness and Harry fell to the ground in pain "Cedric go go from here Go!" You yelled "Go accio cup" You took it towards Cedric "Take 

 it Take it go go go!" You yelled he finally listened to you as he was appiarted.

"Kill the spare" A dry voice sounded.

"The girl saved him."

"Peter, You are so two faced at least make one face look pretty!" You snapped.

"You hurt her Wormtail you won't live to see what will happen.

"Yes my lord" 

He put you and Harry in the bones. He dare hold me?

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