Someone To Remember

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Dumbledore guided you and Harry to the cave, "If Riddle brought two young kids in here... it must be some dark magic." You said when you noticed Dumbledore taking your dagger and cutting his palm he pressed it onto the rocky surface. "Professor..." Harry said doubtfully when he noticed what Dumbledore had done. "Dark stuff... requires sacrifices Harry, That to it is Voldemort..." 
"Yeah, I reckon there are more than just these." Harry agreed, When he saw the dark, gloomy cave again nothing was expected. From Voldemort.
The dark, cave gave extremely chilly vibes, making you uncomfortable, Dumbledore stopped in front of a lake and took the binds which pulled an old, rocking boat towards you three, the boat slightly creaked as you all sat and you used a spell making the boat move forward. 
"You both do remember the word you gave me right?" Dumbledore asked seriously "I-I don't feel right about this... I mean the last one when--" Dumbledore in a stern voice interrupted you "Do I have your word Y/n?" He asked slowly but you got the point, it was no point for negotiation. You stiffly nodded "Good." Dumbledore said he got off the boat and towards a pilled up rocks and there was a whole cup like this with shiny, gleamy waters, You touched the water using your wand. "It's dark Professor... very dark indeed. This water is made to torture." You said quietly. 

"Indeed... And you must do what I ask now." Dumbledore said putting his hand on your shoulder "What are you going to do?" You asked carefully "You must make me drink this water, completely, and mustn't stop... do you understand no matter what... I may lose my sense of direction and senses, but you mustn't stop, no do I make myself very clear? Y/n, You won't argue you've given me your word." Dumbledore reminded you. 

You sighed heavily "So. I should not let you till the waters are drunk? Can't I do It?" Dumbledore calmly replied "No, Y/n. I can't let that happen." Dumbledore said. He picked up a Goblet and held it towards you. 
"Now." He simply but sternly said, You sighed heavily and reluctantly took the water and fed it to Voldemort you did it again and again, 

"No No, no more please..." Dumbledore said the potion was working "Harry maybe we should stop..." You said worried "Professor please just a little bit more... professor we promised you," Harry said giving him a few more doses, Finally it was over. 

"Water. Water." Dumbledore slowly gasped "Water." He said again Harry rushed to the goblet and tried to summon water, but it passed through the goblet. He went to get it from the lake when you called out "Harry no! Inferi! Inferi." But it was too late thousands of Inferi were all around you both, you rushed to give some water to Dumbledore and passed his wand. You barely noticed the Inferi catch Harry and drown him in the waters. 

"Incendio." You said blasting a few of when a much stronger fire was conjured atop and vanquished every Inferi, Harry came up as you helped him dry off. "Thanks." He said "No problem." 

Dumbledore took all of you back to Hogwarts, Dumbledore was so weak and fable "Let's take you to the hospital wing." You quickly said "No" He slowly gasped "Severus... I need Severus." 
"Why do you need Uncle?" You demanded, Harry was off to get Snape you helped Dumbledore onto his feet when Draco stood in front of you both and pointed his wand ad Dumbledore. 

"Good Evening. Draco." Dumbledore said smiling. Draco looked shaken up.
"You've got nowhere else to go. You finished." He looked worried pointing his wand. 
"Draco your not any assasian-"
"How do you know what I am?" Draco asked sharply "Because I know you don't want to do this... Join us Draco, you'll be protected-"
"I can't! can't you see I'm about to kill you, nobody can help me! he'll kill me." 
"Does he mean Voldemort professor?" You asked worriedly "Yes Y/n, Draco you can't do this. Join us. I'll send the order to help you and your mother, we'll protect your father as well." Draco for a moment lowered his wand, when a group of Death Eaters Greyback, Lestranges, Carrows, and a few more. Bellatrix scowled at you, "Oh look we have reinforcements too bad they weren't invited." You marked loudly.

"You have great pride in being a blood traitor don't you, Black?" Bellatrix asked mockingly "And you have great pride in chasing after Voldemort knowing you'd never get him." You instantly fired back. Bellatrix fell quiet and for a moment her eyes welled up with tears but none fell on her hollowed cheeks. She looked at Draco his wand pointed to Dumbledore. 
Then an insane glint flooded her glistening eyes "Well done Draco."

"Good evening Bellatrix, won't care to introduce?" Albus asked "Love to but on a tight schedule... Draco now." Demanded Lestrange.
"he can't o it!" Shouted a disgusting man, Fenrir Greyback. "It's you! Greyback your the one-" Greyback interrupted you with his raspy high pitched voice "I bite Lupin, He's ashamed isn't he?"
Dumbledore looked at Greyback with a kind of disgust, "Hasn't bitten children once full moon enough Fenrir?"

"Not quite you know right... my favorite meal... children yum and there are so many here." Greyback said "NOW FINISH HIM OFF" Fenrir had blood dripping from his chin, making him more disgusting. 

Draco looked at Dumbledore with shaking hands. You knew Draco couldn't do it, he was far too Petrified when Snape arrived and to your horror, Dumbledore was begging for... mercy. "Please Severus." Dumbledore gasped "AVADA KEDAVRA." A bolt shot out and Dumbledore was thrown off the tower. "Professor." You gasped trying to reach him before he fell off the tower, It had not happened Dumbledore the wise, the best Hogwarts Professor was gone. No more. 
You were not very close to him, but you respected, looked up to him, and now he was no more. Your Uncle killed him, the harsh reality pierced into your heart. You so desperately didn't want to cry, on the betrayal, shock, and what happened. 

You saw your Uncle yank Draco's collar and pulled him outside. He looked at you "Uncle no! what did you do? You were not supposed to do that!" You cried maybe by any miracle  Dumbledore wasn't dead. "Y-you didn't.." You tried not to splutter over your own words. Words could not express what you felt right now. "STUPIFY," Harry yelled blasting the Carrow twins attempting to ambush you.

"Y/n! we lost Dumbledore don't lose yourself now!" Harry said helplessly noticing your collapsed body. 

"Y/N!" Harry yelled, hoping you would get up and fight and not get yourself killed, two killing curses were shot from their wands and Harry ducked down moving out the door, "Y/n please stand up. You'll get killed!" Harry tried.

But, you didn't want to "No." You simply said, "H-harry pl-ease I can't g-get up go without me." You managed to splutter Harry was forced to go out the door from the spells coming his way. 

Snape looked at you crying helplessly why did the time he had with you was so limited. Snape had tears in his eyes as he whispered out "I'm sorry my dear." With that, he was gone. Only shouts and screams were heard, You cried maybe this wasn't true.

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