The First Christmas without you

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There was a  sweet smell of coco in the air, with Christmas break. Upon the insistence reluctantly may you add your coming to the Black house. You had told Harry and Ron you would much rather stay in Hogwarts, But Hermione talked you into coming with her she had insisted that she was coming to and you couldn't leave her alone. 
The reason was simple you didn't want to end up in tears. Sirius loves Harry so much, the way he embraces him, talks so proudly about him... Couldn't he see? You had recently discovered your loving and caring father Lucius is not here? So reluctantly you were catching the train you wished to be at Hogwarts, Maybe have more time to talk to Dumbeldore and your Godfather.

"N/n are you ready? Come on quickly the train will leave in an hour we need to have breakfast." Ron shouted. You took a deep breath "Coming Ron." 

Taking your trunk, and your backpack you headed with your friends to the great hall. This was going to be your first ever Christmas without the Malfoy's. The food  was so very festive after forty five minutes of eating you all made it to the Train.

"You still don't want to come N/n?" Harry sympathetically asked after he noticed you were not saying anything "Huh-mm.. this will be my first Christmas without the Malfoy's Harry, and I've still not quite gone over that shock... I never expected to loose them in one night you see Draco has been very distant.. Not that you will notice it, but he just doesn't spend much time like we used to Hogesmade trips, Even cloth shopping, and doing a lot of things.. I remember in the first year he asked me that I've been distant and the very next day we went to Hogesmade together. 
I just don't want to talk to my dad to end up in an fight, and shouting horrible things at me
I'm just trying to protect myself." You said a little ashamed.

Harry nodded "Sure but maybe this choice might resolve the ice between you and Sirius."

"Besides N/n" Hermione started "You can find out exactly what is happening because Sirius has to talk, you will be locked--"

"Oh I almost forgot won't the Weaslys be suspicious--" Ron cut you off short.

"We have  sent an owl to them they know this will be happening." Ron reassured you.

"Just relax N/n everything will be fine." Hermione added. 

"I really hope so guys if it won't I probably will loose my mind."

After finding an empty compartment for the three of you Harry began telling you what has been happening with him.

"I dreamed of Voldemort again, I keep seeing him the night he returned when he killed Cedric. I hear him hiss... I've told Sirius but he keeps telling me it's just a dream."

"Harry is it okay if I can ask you a few questions will you answer each one of them?" You asked Harry who was sitting next to Ron.

"You have an answer don't you Y/n?" Hermione asked.

"I do but I need to be absolutely sure" You started "Harry how long have these dreams been going on? Have you seen him forever... No that can't be possible, Did it start when Voldemort returned?"

"Yeah after that night at the Graveyard I keep seeing him, rarely but yes."

"Hmm How do you feel when he is close by?"

"My forehead feels like it will burst with pain along my scar my head hurts terribly. That is how I know he is near." 

"You can hear him talk?"

"Yeah Parsletounge that."

"Now for the final question do you feel it as a dream?"
"No absolutely not, terrible than a nightmare!" Harry almost exclaimed.

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