A Rose

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"Ron I'm warning you, don't eat to much sugar you will go mad." You said having your very delicious food, Other than that you have noticed how distant Draco really had become you were busy but it took a while to notice he seemed to avoid you? "Don't worry N/n I'm used to having sugar." You shook your head disapprovingly.

"Didn't Draco come to lunch? The food is so heavenly." You breathed eating. "Anyway I'm done now I'm going to go check on Draco now, He barely comes anywhere he even changed his class schedules and changed his classes. So I can barely even see him now." You got up as you went outside as you bumped into something making you stumbling back. "Sorry I didn't see you there." You said rubbing your head.
"Watch where your going!" The girl huffed in annoyance, You turned to see a girl, who had straight hair and was a Ravenclaw.

"Sorry Dear, I didn't see you." You turned to check if the girl was okay. "Are you alright?" She rolled her eyes and walked away.


"Hi Harry" Cho said. Harry seemed to loosed it, you walked to the table to hear the conversation. "How have you been?" 

How have you been? So Harry knows about this girl or what? You peered into his mind and by the way he was spluttering over his own words, His mind couldn't think straight and he was extremely nervous.

Harry remember what I said deep breath, take a deep breath it's okay you need to talk right? Your voice echoed in his head he looked at you, and you smiled reassuringly. 

"Hi Cho I have been quite good what about you?" Harry asked, you nodded as you walked of to find Draco he must be in his dorm you thought. What is going on, with him? Once you reached his dorm you knocked twice before entering once you entered you saw Draco he was lying on the bed by his steady and deep breaths you could right away tell he was sleeping, You kneeled down as you placed a soft kiss over his forehead. His eyes fluttered open as he saw you.

"Oh Y/n" He started his voice slightly hoarse from waking up. "Sorry Dear I didn't mean to disturb you, you see I just came to check up on you so why have you changed your classes? Your schedule? and why are you avoiding me? You know if you do that I can't hold on anymore right? You told me to heal, But I can't if there are new problems everywhere." 

"I didn't change-" You interrupted him, "No use in lying to me Dray, look I don't know what has been happening but.. I'll leave it to you. Tell me when you want to I'll always be waiting don't make it forever." You sighed as you sat on the bed. Draco tensed up greatly you could see the way he held his face he wanted to tell you, so much just when he was about to speak Pansy barged in the room. "Darkie-Poo where have you been!?" She started dramatically "I've missed you so much, Come on Darkie let's not wait be late for our date!" 

Date? You didn't know you were dating. "You both are dating?" You asked.

"Oh yeah, He is my soon to be Fiance so now obviously we nee to get together." Pansy said almost tauntingly. You looked at Draco.

Pansy? Dray you can do much better. You communicated through his mind. I know N/n actually mum and dad they want me to get together with her and I don't want to disappoint them. 

You sighed and got up you squeezed Draco's shoulder in an way to comfort him and passed him a parchment as you headed out.


Nothing happened during the hours you were pretty happy, the army was doing great but Umbridge she was growing suspicious she often saw you wandering around the halls. Like trying to protect something. You were trying to protect the army as much you wished to be in it, With Umbridge it was impossible so you made sure to keep Umbridge's beady eyes.

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