The Coldest Christmas

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My Dearest Luciana,
Summers which are warm have turned cold.
And Winters which are cold, have turned colder.
Without you.

Sirius Black

The snow filled the pavements heavily and you spotted Hagrid without any mood shoving the snow to the side and Hagrid carrying a Christmas tree he didn't put much effort into carrying the tree it was simply dangling around his shoulder, as in no mood to put up the lights and decorate it.
If someone looked closer the tree looked as though it has lost its usual charm and the invisible lights.

The days turned into months with you simply staring out the window. Something you knew you didn't have time for and yet, it was the only thing you wanted to do, Since the war had been raging without a gap for relief endless deaths, no news form your late family, form your friends, the order, with no one to maintain the school.
Thought the death eaters weren't there and the school didn't need to be tortured you sat there because you simply didn't know what to do, where to go? who to talk to?
All the memories, the dreams were like an maze simply clouding up your vision. With no proper answers. Would you ever reach the bottom line to the memories?
If you do what would you do? Would you ever connect the dots which you had so longed for years?
Would you ever hope for any happy ending?

It seemed childish to even that thought crossing through your mind.

You focused on that night when you felt the Locket of Slytherin destroyed the twinge in your heart was still fresh.
And you couldn't wrap your head around the Prophecy—

The door unexpectedly clicked open and to your surprise Voldemort had walked in.

"Oh you came here?" Was the first things that slipped off your mouth.
"I didn't quite expect it, but my darling we need to talk." Voldemort said seriously. "We are talking." You replied briskly.
"I'm serious, something is going wrong terribly."
"How's that a surprise?" You asked the obvious.

He sighed casting an Mufilto charm around the place, "I had gone over the Prophecy today and it doesn't make sense like it should!" Tom had hints of hysteria in his voice. Your brows furrowed in confusion "the prophecy has an schedule?" You light heartedly replied.

"Y/n, this is isn't an joke!" Tom snapped high on tension "Are you feeling the connections? You do but just in your subconscious, and our dreams and our reality they make no similarities, it's not supposed to be like this, I thought finally after meeting you physically we could finally be together!—" you had to interrupt Tom.

"We very well know my dear why I absolutely ought to not be with you, In love or not. Your actions really are worthy of death—"

"I'm not talking on my glory dear, am talking on why we aren't able to contemplate being together, why am I still in the past?!" You didn't understand where this was going.But Tom had stifled to an silence. Lost in thought.

"Your meaning to tell me? Though we stand side by side yet, we feel so far away? And we feel closer in our dreams.... If you are feeling this way I can understand..." you said quietly breaking the silence.

"Precisely." There was nothing to say "The Prophecy's gone wrong, up until now I thought if I found out prophecy it would end, we being destined together and nothing feels as though...."

You only noticed how Voldemort was so open with you, so internally vulnerable and so lost, like you were you thought it was something that you both could understand.

"How can I get closer to you?" Tom questioned, you stayed quiet you wanted to put out everything each how you felt "tell me truthfully, it's the only way, we will get anywhere." Tom spoke sincerely. You took in a deep breath and began.

"I really love you Tom so much, and I wanted us to be as badly as you wanted, but you know our views right? The way we look at the world? It simply doesn't match, and to me you doing all this which is everything but 'Greatness' according to me.... And to you Tom, you think this is right and you get the point right?
You have alliances of your own and I have an wonderful family and it had been torn to half and because off you, I have friends I love them, and you are destroying it..... this is our huddle when this is there, we can never truly be close because we will always have set backs.

Our dreams seem like all the trouble has vanished because none of this is there it's just you and I, where none of this exists every night but so meaningful, an privacy made just for us. We feel closer there because we can feel any emotion we want, think what we want and though we can't communicate I fell in Love and so did you, I know it now. There you have it."

You felt Tom grasp your hands and bring you closer, as you laid on his chest.
"So, let's respect that alright my Love? If you feel that way let's just stay here quietly." You smiled softly closing your eyes.


"Run faster, gosh why does this keep on happening?!" Ron cried out somewhere miles away as he spotted snatchers ready to strike.

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