Dolores Umbridge's Rules

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Later you found out Umbridge had been appointed as an High Inquistor by Fudge, no wonder she has so much control over the school she was making hundreds of meaningless rules and personally she sort of hated you and she went as far to make a rule board for you like only you, Your friends and to be honest you were shocked let me give you an example by what I mean-

Rules for the entire school-
1.No leaving the castle, if you have Quiditch practice or any other reason special permission must be taken from Umbridge.
2.No student is allowed to miss any class, Coming late to a certain class without any permission consequences will be severe.
3.Assignments must be submitted on time if delayed a detention worthy of a week will be given.
4.Girls and Boys must keep five feet away from each other.
5.No groups and organizations are to be formed.
6.The Curfew will be at 8pm sharp.
7.Students who become Anamagi must face jail time.

These are a few examples there are like seventeen to eighteen more naturally most of the rules were torture were for you because of the Curfew not going out of the castle and sneaking out was impossible because Umbridge kept a special watch over you, being her 'Most Hated student', You would often complain to your godfather about Umbridge to your Godfather on the rules, and ask about the Occlumency classes and all, Now let me introduce you to the rules only Y/n must follow.

Rules for Y/n (Must be followed at all costs or her friends may face the punishment)
1.You will attend DADA two times each day so Umbridge can check up on you.
2.You can not back answer and you can not by any chance disagree to me.
3.Curfew will be 7pm sharp for you.
4.I expect you not to go outside the castle and for Quiditch practice you will take special permission, you can not be in the courtyard or anywhere outside.
5.Assignments should be handed in two days before due date.
6.No spreading false lies.
7.No practicing spells until you have got permission.
8.You will sit in the front row in the middle for every DADA class you have.
9.You can not bring your wand to DADA Class.
10.If you need to go outside must be approved by Umbridge.
11.An owl's must be got in every exam given to you.

See what I mean? And these are not even half the rules on what she has created. You will never forget the day this board was published on the walls of Hogwarts.
It was a bit of shocker to everyone.


The day this board was Published-

You were talking to Luna and walking through the halls telling your plans for the day to Luna.

"Yeah so Studying for potions test I need to talk to Uncle, I have some doubts to clarify what about you? When is your potions test?" You asked putting a strand of your hair behind  your hair.

"Tomorrow itself the Ravenclaws and the Gryfindoors and a few Slytherins will have the test tomorrow." Luna replied.

When an boy with brown and hazel eyes rushed to you, by his tie you knew he was a Hufflefpuff.

"Hi Adam how can I help you?" You tenderly asked to the shock of the boy as he didn't mention your name.

"Black follow me you must see Umbridge's new rules." Adam looked shocked you nodded and motioned for Luna to follow.

When you had gotten there your friends were already there along with Prof. Minerva McGonagal, Prof. Snape, Prof. Flitwik, and Professor Sprout.

"Y/n your here" Hermione called she rushed to you grabbing your arm  as she lead you to the front as the students moved to give you way "These rules are specifically only to you by Umbridge." 

You had to catch that twice only for you? Like no one else needs to follow?

"These are like only for me? No one else?" You double checked. Harry came to the other side.

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