The Malfoy's relationship with Luciana Black

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Meanwhile, while you and Tom were doing the potion, Snape led Harry, Hermione, and Ron to the study of the Malfoys, Snape knocked on the door before entering with Harry, Hermione, and Ron both the Malfoys gasped in shock, "Severus you've brought these--" Snape cut Lucius short. "Lucius there here for Y/n," Snape said. Hearing your name both the Malfoy's eyes softened and they nodded letting Harry, Hermione and Ron have a seat. There were not pleased but they love you. "So Potter?" Harry took a deep breath.
"We want to know your relationship with Luciana, Please it's important there is a truth linking to Y/n and we can't just slip it away." Narcissa's eyes welled with tears of sadness "We'll tell you Potter but first tell us how is Y/n? We haven't talked to her for more than a year." The three of them could sense the sadness within each word. "Well, she does well in school.....She's going on." Hermione softly began, she knew how difficult your life had become in the past two years. 

Narcissa let some tears flow down her pale cheeks, Lucius sat tall and stiff feeling the pain. "G-Going on? What she isn't doing good?" Narcissa chocked. Hermione sighed heavily and nodded her head no. "Misses Malfoy you can help her tell us about your relation with Luciana please." Harry pleaded. Lucius knew what he was doing betraying the dark lord. But, he could care less. "I and Luciana were very good friends like very good friends." 

"Hi I'm Luciana Black" Narcissa smiled knowing she was a Black and could be friends with her, " Hi, I am Narcissa Black." Suddenly their smiles dissolved "You're A BLACK?"  They yelled together. 
"Who are you born to?" 
"Cygnus and Druella Black and you?"
"Gregor and Elizabeth Black!" Luciana exclaimed. "So you're a native of mine!" Narcissa asked in realization "Yes!"

"Ever since that day I knew I had another Black, Luciana was two years younger to me- But that didn't stop us from being the best of friends. After I had graduated and married I lost touch with Lucie. Then sometime in the middle of the war we reconnected again, and got very close." Narcissa sighed. "We have a lot of Blacks but Luciana's part was considered as blood traitors so I never got to meet her, We were blood-related." 

Narcissa paused and took a deep breath-"Luciana and I was not as close as she was with Evans-But as I said we grew attachment in secret during the war. When I heard Luciana had died from my sister Bellatrix I was the reason she was sent to Azkaban" Narcissa ended sadly.

"Lucius yours?" Harry asked. 

"We were not close at all I only knew her from Narcissa." Lucius simply ended. "But there was something off on Lucie" Narcissa began "It was like she knew the future." It was like the three-hit a jackpot when Snape arrived-"You three quick we are going now." Snape said. 

"What about  Y/n?" Harry quickly asked, "I'll take her in a few minutes." Snape Apparated the three back to Hogwarts.
You were still with Tom working on the potion you were getting the hang of the potion it had been hours and the smell flooded the room-"That's enough for today. It needs to boil anyway. I need to go. I have a lot of work." You stepped away quickly taking your bag, you had to go to your Godfather before Voldemort knew.

"Y/n wait." He called you sighed turning "Yes?" 
"This potion takes time when will you be back to brew it?" Voldemort asked. "I need to check my schedule and I'll Owl you." You replied before hurrying out. Voldemort was suspicious why did you hurry? He was coming to check-In a short distance you saw your Godfather.
"Uncle hurry! Voldemort he's coming to Apparate quick!" You hurried.

In moments You were back in Hogwarts just in time for lunch. You met in a warm embrace by Sirius "Princess! Your safe!" He breathed.

"How long have you been here? Did you have breakfast?" You asked hurriedly "Now that you here I'm going to go back." Sirius smiled and let go of you. "Take care" He smiled and kissed your head before he turned to his animagus form and walked out the door. 


Prophecies and Lies|| Tom Riddle/ Voldemort X Readerजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें