An Patronus to cast

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You were going to the common room after we had finished dinner.

"What is going on here?" You asked stepping in front.

"The Fat lady she is gone." Seamus replied from beside you.

Then Professor Dumbeldore and Mc Gonagal came.

"What happened m'lady?" Dumbeldore asked.

"Oh, Sirius Black he is in the castle he has been spotted he is here to kill Harry and Y/N." the lady said.

"Nonsense." You said you went to the door and muttered a spell which opened the common room the professors looked shocked all the other people were gasping supprised.


The next early afternoon we were here because Professor Lupin  called us 

"You both have an talent on encountering Dementors every time you go outside so I thought I would teach you a charm to keep Dementors away-" Before lupin could complete.

"You are going to teach us how to cast a Patronus are you not?" You asked very happy.

He chuckled" Yes, I will be teaching you how to cast it now do anyone off you know what exactly is a patronus?"

"It is a positive force some very advanced magic you need to think of a very happy memory and focus on it the incantation is 'Expecto Patronum.'" You finished.

"Yes, exactly and you both will try it."

"You, mean Harry will try it? Because I have my Patronus it is a......a pegasus like my mother;s." You said.

They looked impressed.


After the Patronus-

You all were outside Hermione, Harry and Ron

"Harry I need to tell you all about Sirius." You started.

"Y/N, He is my godfather and your dad a dad who is trying to kill end of story why did you bring it up?" He said not pleased with the topic you brought up.

"That is what people believe it is Sirius tried to protect us it was peter Petigrew he worked as death eater and gave the exact location to Voldemort." You tried.

"Y/N.....Gosh who told you this?" Harry asked.

"Harry what is wrong with you? You are so annoyed should you not be happy Sirius was not a murderer my Godmother told." 

"Narssisa Malfoy? You expect me to believe the Malfoys? Just because there took you under there care does not prove anything Sirius is a murderer what type of father kills his own daughter?" Harry said.

"Harry calm down! Let n/n explain what she has to then you put your opinions which are ususaly wrong mate." Ron said.

"Alright go on tell me what you have to  say." Harry said.

Thank god.

You started explaining everything your mother told Harry did not interupt you once after you finished you stared at Harry.

"That is why we must go to the shreiking Shallow and that tree." You completed.

"No! you have been lied to again he did not go to askaban for nothing those rumours did not get formed because he was innocent If so why did he come out so suddenly?" He almost yelled at you.

"Those rumours are rumours for a good reason just because everyone is saying so does not believe there is more to the situation, We need to hear Sirius point of view, we need to hear Peter's point of view, There are people who we must listen to, keep an open mind! Harry, these people most of them do not even know the truth! They are just stupid Rumours!" You said tears at the brim.

"Y/n you have no idea what you are going on about these stupid rumours are true! What sort of father would want to torture and kill his own daughter....If he finds he will take you away I can not loose someone so important to me!" Harry pleaded.

"I am sorry Harry but I can not rest till I found out what really happened! Until then I must find what is happening...You know I thought you would believe me it is why I told you....But you are not even listning to yourself so why will you listen to me?" 

"Y/N LUCIANA BLACK! You are trying to prove what your heart wants but it is not true it must have been so hard to digest this for you. Honestly Y/n you know you are mad just stupid you are loving someone who wants to kill you...NOR YOUR MOTHER he killed her! you can't hear her feel her nothing she is gone...The moment Sirius killed her! I agree you have magic mere mortals can only dream off that does not mean you are right! He is mad like you. SO YOU ARE NOT GOING TO THE SHREIKING SHALLOW! SO JUST DROP THIS TOPIC Y/N!" Harry said he was out of control.

Hermione and Ron gasped while you looked at him you still did not let your tears run this time it was not the truth that hurted you it was Harry.

"Harry, Was that nessasary why did you bring her mother and I believe Y/N. It is sad if you think otherwise those abilites of her's is good so is what she is saying she is not mad!" Hermione said as she hugged you.

Harry realised what he said

"Y-Y/N I-I am sorry."

You moved from Hermione's embrace "I can't deal with you!"


What do all think of Harry's and Y/N Fight?

What do you think of the relationship between Narssisa and Lucius with Y/N?

Do you think Y/n is forgiving?

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