Let The Hocruxe Hunt Begin

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"If Y/n told that the Horcruxes are in the objects of the four houses and Helga's cup... I think we need to find that...." Harry said picking the locket from the ground. 
"In that Lunatic's vault," Ron added thinking about Bellatrix. "It's honestly not helpful, we need the sword of Gryffindor to get it destroyed," Hermione said after a moment of silence. 

It was dusk before they returned to their tents and Harry was examining the snitch. 
"You know, I always think that Y/n knows more on this snitch than I could...." Harry began. Ron immediately glanced at the snitch and then back at Harry. "Why do you say that?" 
"She was always protective on this one.... would never let it out her sight, I always thought she sees more than one person would want to see... I think that's why it just doesn't feel right without her does it?" Harry said the last part slowly. 
"Yeah, wonder how you-know-who's treating her," Ron added. 

Harry sighed simply looking around the snitch. And got up and walked out of the tent to catch a breath of air, when he noticed Hermione was missing and went straight ahead until he saw Hermione looking back at Harry without blinking she said: "Those people they smelled my perfume." 
"There snatchers, snatch people," Harry said. 
"We need to go back to Hogwarts, I can't sleep thinking about what might have happened to Y/n, come on Harry it's only been about her. If we can get her we can move--" 

"We can't Hermione, Y/n would want us to hunt the Horcruxes we'll get it done, and we can go at once," Harry said, he knew when he read the letter. 
"Look Hermione, Y/n went to Hogwarts for a reason. She is risking her life, well.... you-know-who wouldn't kill her, but she's enduring him. We need to do this, it's the only way to defeat him." Harry ended. When Harry noticed Hermione wasn't saying anything.

"You still not alright?" Harry said concerned. "No, It's just that it's been years since Y/n brought up you-know-who, and once in the fifth year, she said she liked him, and when the Prophecy was there... And they are soulmates, I think Y/n has fallen in love..." Hermione trailed off deep in thought. Harry felt tight his shoulders tensed through gritted teeth Harry spoke again. "Y/n would never fall for that monster!" 
"I wish Harry, but that is the Lost prophecy." 

As Harry and Hermione were making their a way to the tent Ron spotted them off from a distance he began to shake with jealousy seeing Harry his best mate with the girl he loved. When they were off close distance Hermione and Harry simply ignored Ron and sat on the chairs, as Hermione pulled out some things. 

"We can't just pile these Hocruxes we need to find the Sword of Godric Gryffindor and get the locket destroyed. The sword only takes in what makes it stronger." Hermione opened the book going through "And this symbol it keeps popping up everywhere!" 

"So what exactly are, our leads on the Horcruxes?" Harry ignored the last part of what Hermione said. 

"Well... the Locket, and Helga's cup in Bellatrix's vault, Ravenclaw's diadem which is in Hogwarts, and we need the sword to destroy them--" When suddenly the lights were taken out and put again. 
"Go on pretend I'm not here," Ron said angrily. 

"Is something the matter? Tell us?" Harry got up from his seat and looked at Ron. 

"Tell you? Tell you? fine, I will, my problem is this great war! it's rotten out there! and when it'll be over" 

"Well..." Harry began "What did you expect? that a miracle would be caste killing him? and you'd be with your mum and your family at Christmas?... Well, I'm sorry, that won't happen any time soon it's a real war!" Harry said exhilarated. 

"I don't even know if my family's even alive, who knows if Y/n is alive!?" 

"Stop it, Ron! Stop it! Take off that locket, you wouldn't be saying any of that you've been wearing it the whole day!" Hermione desperately called out. Ron yanked the locket and threw it on the chair. 

"I thought you knew what you signed up for!" Harry hissed angrily. 

"My first mistake." 

Ron walked out the door leaving Hermione sobbing. 

You were walking looking left and right around you, You were checking every step as though a trap might open up and devour you, till you made your way to the Ravenclaw tower

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You were walking looking left and right around you, You were checking every step as though a trap might open up and devour you, till you made your way to the Ravenclaw tower. 

"Helena" You called out "Helena?" When a grey form came up eventually taking the form, "Y/n, your here? Thought you were supposed to be with him." Helena said with contempt. 

"No, he had some important work.... it seems, anyway can you tell me on the Diadem?" 

Helena turned tensed "People have asked me... for school." Helena said slowly. 

"This isn't on getting marks, and a better project, It's on him Voldemort, he's filled it with dark magic!" You said panicked. 

"I'm sorry Black, I can't help--" 

"You have to Helena, your the only one who can, He's no good for anyone. Please." 

"I-I my mother was very clever, once I stole the diadem, and just for once vowed to not be in her shadow, even with what I did.... my mother who had fallen ill, wanted to see me, and sent the Baron." 

"The Bloody Barron?" 

"Yes, the Bloody Barron." Helena repeated "He was sent to find me, and when I refused to go back he got violent and... took my life. Overcame, with remorse he killed himself, I hid the diadem in a hollow tree in The forest of Albania." 

"You said this story to him didn't you?" 

Helena bowed in shame "I did, I had no idea he seemed to sympathize to understand if I knew that was an ugly mask." 

"He lied to many, can be so charming, the Diadem is there... Thank you." You rushed to the room of requirements skipping two steps at a time. 

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