Letting Go

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You arrived at the shell cottage today and were warmly greeted by your friends, Fleur and Bill. 

"Guys, I was so stupid! to go to Hogwarts, to find something I knew I couldn't find, I should have stayed with you all but I didn't forgive myself!" You cried. 

"Y/n, all that matters is you here now, we have destroyed all the Horcruxes, well not all. We still have a few. Oh did you find the diadem?" Hermione asked, "Y-yes, it's here." You pulled the diadem and let Harry hold it, "I couldn't find a way to destroy it." You said feeling guilty you didn't try. 
"You by any chance don't have the--" 

You had to pause because Harry was clutching his scar. 

He saw Voldemort he was angrily strolling the Manor-

"Lucius, hadn't I warned you? hadn't I warned you to keep your daughter in check?" Voldemort angrily hissed. 

Harry could sense his fury, he was angry you were gone just like that. Without a trace. Voldemort felt absolute fury, you had betrayed him. Not that he had your loyalty. He knew he was in danger, you had taken the diadem, Slytherin's locket, The Gaunt ring, his school diary, Helga's cup, was all now in your hands, or destroyed. 

"Come Nagini, I must keep you close, we are in danger." Voldemort hissed softly. 

"My lord, Y/n she--" 

"Lucius, you let her go! I've given you numerous warnings but this is to much...." Voldemort said silkily.

Harry with great effort closed his mind. 

"Harry are you okay?" Hermione asked concerned, "Yeah, No I saw him again... he was angry so angry that you left Y/n. And I think they'll hunt you." Harry gasped. 

"They can't track us down until we don't say his name, the traces on us has been removed the Ministry doesn't know. And by the way Harry why does my father stay at that Black house?" You asked. 

"Dunno actually... He seems so very glum nowadays, recon won't hear much of him after we leave this place." Harry said quietly. 

"We are leaving this place?" You confirmed. 

"Yes apparently, Harry wants to go to Godric's Hollow, but honestly that's a very bad idea I mean won't the death eaters expect us to go there?" Hermione quickly said. 

"Look Hermione I get the point, but I want to go there for Christmas, just once. And I've already told you we might get the secrets of Dumbledore!" Said Harry a little annoyed. 

"I need to go there to, my grandparents I visited them they seem so out of touch. And they can--"

"Y/n what are you saying? Your Grandparents are part of the order now, they've lost touch because if You-know-who knows your related to you it can be disastrous." Hermione said softly. 

"How much has happened since I went?" You asked looking around and sitting down, feeling somber, "I j-just left, thinking I would get some clues, some answers, and my quest would be completed and I thought it was noble what I was doing. A-and all that I did was foolish. I let you all without being there I was supposed to be with you through out what would have happened if we had gone and found the diadem later? I-Instead I let you all go through Malfoy Manor and... I am so sorry." You said looking down eyes sparkling with tears. 

"It's not your fault Y/n, and--" 

"It is, it is, I just don't know what to do anymore." 

"Move on from it." Said Harry sitting with you, "I know you want to find the answers but maybe your trying to hard why don't you let go?... let's focus on getting him down and freeing the Wizarding world. If you go again through the memories, and un tamper them you'll know what your mother sacrificed for you. And if you asked Sirius, Snape, Slughorn, Dumbledore, all her friends, The professors who thought her you-know-who, you'll get so many answers all mixed with lies, and I know how difficult it might be but you need to accept the truth that only Luciana can tell you the truth and she.... has passed on. Y/n don't you see? if your mother had gone through the future, gone against my father, Dumbledore doesn't know anything took an unbreakable vow, just to hide the truth maybe you should let it all go.... One day you'll find out and the day is just not today, Y/n you don't have to let it be... let everything be in the past, and let's get You-know-who out." Said Harry, Hermione and Ron had frozen. 

"Wow and I thought I only Hermione would say something like that." Ron joked. 

"I've never really thought about it that way actually, and come to think of it y-you are right." You said softly. 

"Luciana's grave is in Little Hangleton." Said Harry quietly. 

"I know and I can't go there not until I actually can let go.." You said. Harry rubbed your back. 

"So, let's go to Godric's Hollow, and I know someone as Bathilda Bageshot. She knew Dumbledore." Harry said. 

"Harry, It's to risky and How do we trust this witch?" Hermione asked. 

"Hermione give it a rest will you? we have talked about this and we need to go." Ron snapped. 

You all had bid farewell to Fleur and Bill and you wanted to see your father once more before going away. 
You reached the glum house and saw your dad staring at the wall, where Luciana had once painted with a brush and paint it was a lovely garden. You looked at him and knocked at the door to get his attention. 
Your dad faced you with a sad smile, "Yes Love?" 

"I just wanted a hug." You said smiling equally as sadly. 

"Of course princess come here." You hugged your dad tighter tighter than ever like you would never let go, he gave you the embrace with equal warmth. 
"You okay love?" He asked concerned wiping your tears, 
"I will be dad I will be." You said sadly and slowly let go. 

And walked out, You didn't want to leave your dad who you were so close with. But you had to. You guys had Apparated back to Gogric's Hollow. And it didn't feal real everything was cold.

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