White Tomb

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"Avada Kedavra!" One of the death eaters shouted unaware it was coming directly for you, "Y/N!" Someone shrieked your name, but you didn't care. Being dead was better than what was happening you'll get to see your mother and Lily again. 
Someone forced you out the way. Harry chased after Snape. Draco looked back and forth before rushing forward. "Stupify!" Harry yelled at the werewolf. 
"You can't dance forever girly!" Amycus Carrow yelled at Ginny. Ginny was dodging spells after spells "REDUCTO!" Harry yelled he fought other death eaters and rushed down the marble staircase filled with blood, it looked like Harry might slip and fall any moment. Harry ran down the forbidden forest with heavy steps trying to catch up.

"SNAPE!" Harry screamed with hate overpowering his voice. Snape turned around "HE TRUSTED YOU! Y/N SHE LOVED YOU SO MUCH! SHE TALKED SO HIGHLY OF YOU! HOW COULD YOU DO SOMETHING LIKE THIS?!" Harry wanted to shout a hundred and one curse words but it was like words had abandoned him, "REDUCTO, STUPIFY!" Harry cursed shooting them at his former teacher, Snape merely blocked his spells, Harry was frustrated with how easily Snape looked. After what had happened. 
"FIGHT BACK! FIGHT BACK, YOU COWARD!" Harry screamed "CRUCIO!" Bellatrix screamed cackling as Harry was thrown to the floor. "No!" Snape said sharply "He belongs to the dark lord." Snape reminded.

"You betrayed too many people Snape! I knew you were bad news you never tried to protect Y/n, you never loved her! I warned her she didn't listen!" Harry yelled again. Snape again had tears filling his eyes. 

Harry threw several spells at him but Snape could block them easily "You can never hope to defeat me... you haven't blocked your mind." Snape said. 

"SECTUMSEMPRA!" Snape blocked it again "Dare to use my spells against me?" Harry was baffled "Yes, Potter I'm the Half-blood Prince." 

Harry couldn't stop them and back in the Astronomy tower you just got up you couldn't always cry like this surely there had to be an explanation for these actions, Dumbledore if he knew Snape was a Death Eater and can not retire from being one, why would Dumbledore keep him? besides Snape had protected Harry and You far too much. There had to be a more accurate reason. 
You quickly went to Professor Dumbledore's office- It was empty, you sighed heavily at the tragic death. You went to the memories kept. You found Professor Snape's, Dumbledore's memory. No one can know everything, we have to find out.

You searched some more and put the vials in your box and tucked them in the bag. You even found ancient dark magic spell books as you put them in your bag, and closed the zip. 

You made your way out where you saw a huge black dog, Your father, Remus, Tonks, and McGonagall. Padfoot rushed to you, you knelt hugging it as it wagged its tail. You got up without a word and to the corpse of Dumbledore, you looked around people mourning their now dead Headmaster.
Harry made his way to the crowd and Dumbledore's people raised their wands with small tips of light in showing their respect. 

You sat down hugging the dog form of your father and Sirius could hear the muffled sobs. 

The next morning you had left for the Blackhouse at the break of dawn, you were moving with the Weasleys and your father said the Blackhouse wasn't safe anymore. You hugged your knees and sat in your dressing gown. Sirius opened the door and sat next to you. 
"Won't you speak to your old man on what happened?" Sirius asked hugging you. You let out a soft chuckle. "Betrayed...." You trailed off Sirius kissed your head. 

"Snape he killed Dumbledore... My family is death eaters, Closest friends are turning out to be enemies, Sisters and brothers are not what everyone thinks... Annoying but... still they love each other right... daddy?" You suddenly asked he rubbed your shoulders and looked at you Indicating he was listening. 

"Why don't I have a normal life? why am I constantly to these deaths and spells? Why didn't things turn out the way like fairytales in the books?" The question seemed childish, but sometimes you wished there were no problems just peace.
"You know Y/n, in a perfect storybook the world will be brave and good, everything is far from reality. Soon princess... this time shall also pass, what will stay forever? how can Stories be repeated forever... It won't and It can't. But, I've told this to Harry the people who we love never actually leave." 

"I love you dad... so you'll never leave. Your my father and I only have you." You closed your eyes "However... sometimes I do feel like a burden, you always had to carry... How many people have died protecting me? Mum she died..... because she dared to try... and you're laying your life for me, while I'm in Love with him... Voldemort. Am I deluding all off you?" You softly said.

Sirius was shocked at what you had confessed "Now my princess.... it isn't your fault, none of this is, and trust me.... and your mother we were so happy when we got you, I couldn't witness it in Azkaban and such.... but it hurt to hear Luciana's demise but you were my only hope, my happiest memory... The dementors would suck that out of me, But they couldn't take away what feeling I had for you-- I needed to protect you, keep you safe, and I loved you and love you a lot. I'm sounding quite cringeworthy ain't I? but trust me this was the way I survived." Sirius said.

"Dad." You gasped crying.
Sirius held you through the morning as your cries, turned to soft whimpering before you fell asleep. Sirius transported your things to the Weasleys and was busy working on everything around the evening Sirius woke you up.

"Huh?" Sirius smiled "Let's go okay? it's not safe in here." You nodded you were so hungry "Let's go Mrs. Weasly would have you fed within minutes." He Apparated with you to the burrow. 

Sure enough, you had a whole meal.
Enough for weeks.


End of year six. Finally the whole year had passed by with half the truths uncovered but for this tale, there's to much left to uncover still, will Y/n overcome her tears and find happiness will she even survive till the end? 

Prophecies and Lies|| Tom Riddle/ Voldemort X Readerحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن