The troll

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What you both got in the quidditch team you guys are the youngest seekers in the entire school this has never happened before. Well Ron there is a first time for everything is there not? But what if I can not play? I am not good enough you heard Harry say.

Do not worry both of you it is in your blood. Come follow me Hermione told going away we all followed her then she stopped at a showcase look

Sirrus Orion Black

James Potter

Gryffindor Seeker

Both our fathers were Part of the quidditch team.

Bloody Hell She knows more about you two than yourselves.

You smiled at Hermione thank you for helping my confidence.


You and Hermione went away.

So Y/N you told That you still have explaining to your parents?

Yes about that since I told I wanted to speak to them Face to Face there will be Quiditch Match my first one. So I can invite them over and talk to them?

Yeah that is brilliant they will be so proud off you yeah bout that I do not know.

Look Y/N they love you so much they just want to see you wind in whichever house you are. She told but remember the sorting hat ceramony what happened why did you feel so light headed? 

I do not know I just saw one boy He was As I believe his name was TOM MARVOLO Riddle.

Anyway let us go outside take a walk for fresh air?

Sounds like a nice idea.

We were just taking a walk chatting and laughing on books, Friends having a great time in general when I saw Ron and Harry walking we both got close I was bout to say Hello. when I herd Ron saying it is LevioHsa on LeviOsa ......She is so boring...... No wonder she has no friends well except Y/n She is so friendly I do not know what she sees in her and gosh That Hermione is so boring.

My eyes widned WHAT! I shouted.

Hermione looked so sad with tears she ran away

Hermione Do not go wait but she did not listen.

Ron Billus Weasly.

How could you say that? She was trying to help you she even casted the charm properly I will tell you what I saw In her Kindness, Compassion, Intelligence , Loyalty and much more she is not boring!!!!

You ran to find Hermione in the washroom Hermione Hermione I know you can hear me. Please answer me. Y/n go from here.

Hermione do not listen to them they do not know what they are saying you are not boring you are a lovely, Sweet, Kind, compassionate friend Please come out.

She came out after some time I went and hugged her,

Now listen Mione there will be brats out there who will throw there pathetic insults unforgivable words but we must stay strong the world out there is brutal we must not give them what they want our tears. Do no think my brother Ron is like that sometimes he can be a bit barsh and I have to go knock some sense into him every now and then,

She laughed thanks n/n I will keep that in mind.


It was dinner time and you and Mione had not yet returned.

You really messed things bad there Ron Harry told.

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