Pillow Talks and Comfort

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You headed to your dorm grabbing a piece of parchment and your quill you began to write,

Dear Mione,
I'll be in Draco's dorm for this night I need to know so much please don't wait for me and don't worry about me the wound it still hurts that is all I'll be fine, Go to sleep and don't wait for me. I shall tell you everything what is happening to me the very next day.
Yours truly,

After leaving the note a bit tired appiarted to his dorm you sat on the couch rubbing your temples this is getting exhausting so many tears, Sobs is this even me anymore? I can't be here every time if only people they would tell me and not build it on these lies if they would just speak to me, and tell me before I would find things myself it would hurt but at least they have the curtesy to tell me and it would be just much better how much more do I have to find out myself? Before I finally break?

"N/n? Your here?" Draco's voice flooded in.
"I hope it was okay to come before knocking?" You slightly chuckled.

"No don't worry N/n we don't knock."

"I'm afraid Dray things have changed right now all I hope is you don't get involved," You said full of sorrow "How are they? Mum and dad how have they been? I miss them so much." You sighed.

Draco took a seat next to you as you laid your head on his lap closing your eyes begging for anything but tears.

"Y/n you know there are people who will say we don't love you anymore and we disowned you but we love you so much and anyone who say otherwise are idiots, Mum and Dad in every letter they have send to me ask how your doing and at home they have told me a hundred times to take care of you there is just so much going one." Draco said stroking your hair.

"Yes exactly same here But I'll comment you sounding like a preacher does not suit you." You half commented.

Draco chuckled "Your friends Y/n they love you so much confide in them they care a lot about you tell them they will know you trust them." 

"I will do that they deserve to know."

"They just are gold I don't fancy them but I can't hope for friends like that." Draco said kissing your temple.

"I'll be there for you.."

"You need to heal yourself first"

"You have not answered me how is Mum and dad doing?" 
"Dad is more busy than usual like very much returning late at night at random hours and Mum she is doing as well as she can, I have to warn you he is planning to come for you." He was referring to Voldemort which still confused you it didn't quite make any sense why you? Must be because of the memories surely he saw you in his school days is that why he fell in love? And the memories why you and him? 
If you would go to the right people to talk to then you could find out what is really happening your Grandparents would they know?... Of course your Grandparents you almost forgot about them there in Godric's Hollow but your parents didn't give the exact location so you have to research and track them, You need to have a serious talk with  your uncle, and Dumbeldore you had to try though he was all about riddles that was the problem, Ollivander yes he will know about Tom absolutely

"Sis?" Draco called cutting your chain of thoughts. 

"Yes I'm fine Draco so you are asking Astoria?" You playfully smirked.

Draco blushed "I can't Y/n I can't my parents expect me to get together with annoying Pansy can you believe it?" Draco huffed.

"I can they think she is the perfect match for you a Pure blood, her views and mum thinks she is pretty so...."

"Oh if only they knew how hell of annoying and obsessed she is they will be running in the opposite direction!"

"Why don't you tell this to Pansy speak your mind it may worsen things but she will know to back of?"

"That is not a bad idea if she tells our parents I will really not talk to her and she will be trapped."

You winked "Exactly"

After talking to Draco you bid him goodbye and went back to your dorm where Hermione was reading.

"Mione! You really have not slept?" 

"Y/n come here you have to see this I found this book in the restricted part of the library now you tell me what do you know of the Bouldraries?" Hermione Hastily questioned.

"That my Grandparents and my mother is from that family?"

"You have to read this--" You cut her short.

"Mione look none of the books are true if anyone knows what is really happening it needs to be my grandparents." You sighed "I need to meet them"

"But how can you?"

"I need to track them down and then I can get the information I require."

"When is this supposed to happen?" Hermione said shocked.

"The sooner the better." You took the book she was reading "Oh my god Mione look at this Godric's hollow 7th main 5th cross this street I need to go here."

"I'm so confused but we can't go now we have other problems...

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