Nichloas Flamel and Catch Up

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The exams were just around the corner and we were studying at least me and Mione were. I saw Ron and Harry Guys the exams? Why are you not studying don't you want to pass? You know I can help you study? I told.

That is very sweet of you to offer to help us Ron started but it is not necessary because I already Know everything.

I looked at Mione You know Ron I print out a lot of questions. I am a bit muggle-like. If you know everything these questions should be a piece of cake I said winking at mione who giggled. What are the most crucial ingredients for a forgetfulness potion? The question asked. Ummm I forgot he told me I laughed a bit.

" What do you plan on doing in the exams?" Hermione asked.

" Copy off you two, No you won't. Hermione replied a little annoyed.

" You can not copy the quills that we will use there are anti- Cheating quills. So good luck on that " I replied. Mione smiled at me.

I found who helped Dumbeldore in the past, Nicholas Flamel Harry said.

Nicholas Flamel I muttered I got up and after a few steps, I called follow me. They nodded and followed me.

I took them to the library Then I went to get out a book.

I found this book a few weeks back there is not much information but it has a brief explanation I said putting the book on the table.

I found this book a few weeks back there is not much information but it has a brief explanation I said putting the book on the table

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You read that! Ron asked.

I and Hermione read this. I said as she smiled at me.

Nicholas Flamel is the only known maker of the philosopher's stone.

A philosopher's stone will make the drinker immortal.


That means you will never die Hermione said.

I know what that means Ron said.

I closed the book now all of you listen when I sneaked in the library I found more than this information. They will never tell you about this if are to tell a professor or someone they will simply assure you. which they should only know whether they are telling is correct. I replied.

So you are telling me we can not tell any professor Snape is after the stone? Harry replied.

Harry, why are you under the impression that Snape is after the stone? He is not Quirrel is.

Y/N Quirrel? He can not do two spells correctly. I know he will not teach us any spells I can prove it!

How did Ron ask?

Time and Patience potter and wesly.

We found a corridor with 3 dogs in it.

3 dogs you replied That dog is protecting a trap door ultimately leading to the stone. But why did you not tell me? I asked.

They looked down.

Never mind let us talk to Hagrid I said he had the stone I am sure of it. He knows something about the dog. I replied.

We all went to Hagrid's.


Harry, Hermione, Y/N, and Ron Hagrid said opening the door.

" Sorry guys can not be with you today". He said closing the door.

We know about the Philospher's Stone. Harry, Hermione and Ron said together and Snape is after the stone.

Harry stop making assumptions! He is protecting the stone. I replied a little annoyed.

Y/N is right Hagrid said. There must be other teachers protecting the stone. Hermione said.


We were getting out to leave I took out my wand and muttered a spell which made us invisible I know I saw someone we sneaked out off Professor's eye and Draco who was insisting that my friends were out off bed. Which ended up gettin a detention.

We went to the common room and went to bed it was in the dead off the night I took my coat and wore my heel boots and creeped outside and went to the forbiden forest. I saw Draco and Hagrid Was probably serving detention. After Hagrid went Draco I said walking beside him.

Y/N he said I was meaning to talk to you.

You know n/n our relation is not the same anymore you have distanced yourself for those other friends I know you too have a life but I so badly miss you. He said sadly.

I sighed Draco I am really sorry I to wanted to talk to you but there is so much in my life going on crazy things tomorrow let us spend the entire day together it is the weekend let us do what we used to do as kids. We can sneak to hogsmade no one will notice our abbsence Alright.

He smiled and hugged you. I would like that! So much he said kissing my cheeck.

This is unicorn blood Hagrid said appearing from nowhere.

I looked down and kneeled a Unicorn was slayed makes the drinker survive but with a cursed life. Who would want that sort of life? Draco said from beside me. I knew exactly who wanted it Voldemort. I do not know I replied.

I kept walking Draco went with Hagrid.

I saw something feeding off the Unicorn.

Voldemort I said. He slowly came to me.

I fell back and got my wand out. Y/N right? He said.

I saw you everyday in my school life still do. You are so beautifull but more gorgeous In person. You get dreams on me to he said kneeling down in front off me and tucked a strand off loose hair on my face back off the ear.

If any random person did this to me I would hex them to oblivion and not regret it. But this thing it reminded me so much off the boy in my dreams. So familiar.

I saw a centaur and the thing saved us. Thank you I said getting from the floor. He was Voldemort was he not? I asked the centaur. Yes Miss Black you should not be here at this time off the night.

Came for fresh air I lied. Not my first time though.


After that long night I sneaked back to my dorm and thought about everything most off all why did it feel flatering when the thing said? And how could he be seeing me?

But I was so tired I dozed off.


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