The Yule Ball

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Today was the day of the Yule ball the exciting chattering of the girls echoed through the halls, and the boys were a little slow. There were no classes and today to you had a lot of invites which you kindly rejected saying you had a date. 

It was the evening and you went with Hermione to get ready.

You refused to show Hermione your dress, yourself saying it was a surprise.  Hermione was so exited but, went to the ball since Krum had asked her you put on the necklace your family gave.

  Hermione was so exited but, went to the ball since Krum had asked her you put on the necklace your family gave

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You looked at yourself in the mirror you to had to admit you looked gorgeous.

You slowly ran your fingers through the dress.


Everyone was just chatting away now you had to come down the stairs and you did confident as always you just walked all eyes turned to you, you could hear gasps.

"OH MY GOD AN ANGEL!" A boy shouted.

You did not even bother turning to the voice you were busy searching for Harry who came when you stepped the last step "Wow" Harry breathed looking at you. "I don't know what to say other than Wow n/n, I can't recognize you. You look like an angel." He Breathed again.

You smiled and elegantly clutched his hand putting his arm forward you reached to take it. "Thank you Harry you look nice yourself." You complimented.

But your thoughts raced of I wish it was Tom. When you held Harry like this it felt wrong you wanted it to be Tom.

"Y/n Sis," Draco came "You look so Decent." He breathed.

You smiled wider. "That's alright Dray don't be shy to compliment me."

Draco playfully glared at you "N/n you look stunning especially on this dress I don't think you looked more beautiful than you are today. Oh, N/n I almost forgot to mention Dad and Mum have been meaning to talk to you, you know Personally" Draco whispered in your ears "They told it was important. Father, Expects to see you at 10pm alright?" 

"Thank you Draco just remind me at 9:30pm will you?" You asked.

"I will. Now, Excuse me Pottah take care of my sister." Oh god. He went back to his date who happen to be Pansy.

The hall doors opened and all the Champions were supposed to walk. You held Harry leading him outside.

"Y/n I forgot the moves." Harry said thinking of the waltz.

"Don't worry your fine." You reassured.

After that you all reached center of the hall some teachers were taking a double take at you. Some, boys couldn't keep there eyes off you. They looked at Harry with Envy.

The music played as Harry put his hand on your waist and you on his shoulder imagining it to be your Tom. You no longer tried to push how you felt about Tom you liked him and it was a fact, You thought about everything which was going wrong your father Biological Father Sirius did not send one letter when you sent him eventually you had to meet him You felt frustrated that he was not even trying to make an effort to get to know you. Your Godfather was trying, Lucius and Narsissa are ultimate they couldn't be replaced you thought about them how they 

would come to the school so many times to check up on you, were there for so many of your Quiditch Matches, Were there when you needed to talk all over you loved them so much they were the parents you long. They had never once made you feel you didn't belong.

You felt blessed.

Your thoughts were cut when Harry picked you up putting you to the air.

"Deep in thought n/n?" Harry asked.

"Yes, just trying to make sense." You replied without thinking.

"We will always be here for you N/n?" You smiled but you would only talk to your mother or father.

After the dance, you meet with Hermione and Ron who wouldn't stop complimenting you on your dress and how you looked. The rest of the ball went in an blur even the Professors complimented on how you looked even your Godfather many boys asked you for a friendly waltz but you politely declined dancing with Harry felt wrong enough. You just drank the sweet strawberry juice seeing the couples slow dance oh Tom where are you? I wish we could dance. I wish you were real and not just a boy in my dreams.

After a few more hours Draco came by "Y/n go outside Father sent me a letter telling he is waitng for you outside." Draco said.

"Thank you Dray why so serious Dear? Go to sleep when the ball ends I maybe late. Good Night Love you." You kissed his cheeck.

"Good Night you don't know n/n, Pansy just couldn't be less annoying I wanted to go with Astoria." He huffed.

"Don't worry Dray I will take care of it Astoria is there ask her for a waltz she does not have a date." 

"I love you to sis." He breathed back.

"Harry I'm going." You replied to which Harry smiled.

You went outside feeling the light breeze hit your skin you walked a little bit further and saw your Dad just looking forward. You went up to him he  didn't seem to notice you he looked deep in thought.

"Dad?" You softly called out trying to not startle him.

"Darling oh my my" He looked at you and you smiled like crazy.

"This dress you look stunning Darling." 

"Thank you Dad"

"You wanted to talk to me?"

"Ah yes. Dear sorry it's just that you look beautiful, me and your mother wants to talk" Here take my hand you took his hand as he appiarted to the Mannor.

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