Quiditch World Cup (2)

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"That is a lovely doll N/n" Ginny said looking at the doll clutched in your arms.

"She looks like she is hearing me looking after me and you know oddly it looks so much like my mother I felt I needed to get this doll the moment I looked at her eyes I feel it is the most closest thing of my mother Dray thinks it is creepy well many people do find dolls creepy But me and my dad thinks otherwise." You explained. "Would you like to hold her?" 

"Yes please." You gave Ginny the doll "She is so beautiful like you." She complimented.

"Indeed" Hermione joined in the conversation.

"You know N/n my grand mother died last year and I like you missed her so much there was one locket I spotted at one antique shop I did not pay much heed to it but as the days went by I found myself constantly visiting that shop just to look at the locket I felt close to her until I finally bought it and I..Feel safe." Hermione explained recalling her memories.

You smiled as you hugged her "She must be so proud of you I am honestly happy you told me this. 

Ginny nodded in agreement.

"Thank you Gin N/n" A single tear rolled down Hermione's eyes.

"There There it is alright Mione, I to feel sad thinking of my mother." You rubbed her back soothingly To which she smiled gratefully at you.

"I am blessed to have friends like you" "So, are we" Ginny said.


Now I was walking by with Harry-

"So, the Durselys still treating you badly?" You asked walking next to him.

"No! not really of course they make me do chores but whenever it gets out of hand I mention your name..Or simply threaten them with my wand I can get a lot of school work done." Harry said much happily when he spoke about them "I am struggling with Potions and History of magic History I don't require to become an arourer but potions yes."

"Don't worry Harry I can help you with potions I mean if you want to be an Aurorer then this year you don't have to take history and the following years why will you need history to bore the Dark wizards?" You joked.

He chuckled.

"Thank you Y/n I-"

"Look Harry the tent" You all went inside you looked around you had never once stayed in a tent You were staying with your Parent's in an luxury Hotel which only allowed the top most peers in the eyes of Corneilius fudge and you knew your Dad must not have had any problem with that. 

The twins turned on the T.V and you Hermione and Ginny were just gossiping on this and that.

"So, Y/n what do you think of Krum?" Mione gave you a playful smirk.

"Victor Krum?" You clarified.

Ginny nodded smirking to.

"Well he is a good Quiditch player."

"No, Dearie not like that do you have a crush on Krum? Or anyone at school?" Hermione said.

"Ououuo Good one Hermione honestly look at her she is not attracted to anyone" Ginny giggled.

You instantly remembered the Boy you had been seeing endlessly every night when you took a nap when you closed your eyes.

"Crush..No I don't have on Krum and not attracted to anyone in school...But" You paused debating weather to tell or not.

"Come on Black spill" 

"I have told you both on the boy the boy I dream I don't even know him....But I do feel a not a crush something more but not to more not a crush not love I mean how can I?" You started to ramble. Ginny and Hermione shared a look.

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