The End or is it?

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You opened your eyes to see everything white. You shut your eyes and opened it again letting your eyes adjust to the bright light. You looked to see Hermione, Ron and Harry had just exited from the hospital. They had been there for hours. They were so worried.

"Miss Black, How are you feeling." Professor Dumbeldore asked.

"Much better sir, Now that everything is much better."

You suddenly grew silent and stared at the blanket.

"Miss Black what is on your mind?" He asked.

"Sir, I know you can not answer my questions or you think it is not the right time to. So, I will leave those matters aside and ask what has recently happened. What happened to the stone? And Nichloas Flamel? He needed it did he not."

"Y/N you are very intelligent, Indeed there are somethings I can not divulge you in. But, I assure you they will the answers come by one by one. As for the stone it is destroyed and Nichloas Flamel lived a long life."

"Professor, I am sure I did not mis-hear it but Voldemort he called me my love and his princess? Is that normal or there is something I should know?"

"Again Y/N there are a lot of truths you have to uncover and a prophecy. You need to be strong it will not be easy you might think your life had been built on lies but they would do it to protect you."

"Thank you sir", you said you smiled at him and got up from the bed. You got dressed and headed to your House common room.

You saw Harry, Hermione and Ron.

"Guys, we have to check up on Y/n she looked sick" Harry said.

They were concerned and were talking about you.

"Guys, It is all good do not worry I am fine the hit was just a little to hard" You said.

They all turned back to see you.

"Oh my god Y/N We thought you were in a co--am-a or something" Hermione said.

She ran to you and hugged you.

"It is ok I have not gone in an Comma or something. "

"Y/N you gave us a scare in there." Harry and Ron said hugging you .


At the Great hall-

"Another year has gone by and now it is time for the house cup" Dumbeldore said.

Now awarding the points in fourth place we have Gryfindoor with 312 points. Is that really a suprise?

In third place we have Hufflepuff with 352 points.

In second place we have Ravenclaw with 426 points

And in the first place we have Slytherin with 472 points.

I applauded for every house.

Yes Yes Slytherin well done but the recent house points must be taken in account.

I have a few last miniute points to award to Miss Hermione Granger for her incridible intelligence, 50 points.

I smiled at her and clapped.

I hugged her. Well done! She smiled and hugged me back.

To Mr Ronald Weasly I award 50 points for the best played chess that Hogwarts had seen in many years.

I applauded again well done brother I smiled at him.

He smiled back.

Third to Mr Harry Potter for outstanding courage and pure Love I award 60 points.

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