The Truth Stings

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You couldn't believe it your head was buried in your Uncle's robes as he rocked you back and forth trying to console you, you just couldn't comprehend what you saw in your third year when Narcissa Malfoy showed you the memory in the pensive that wasn't the truth it was a Mirage. Like in the deserts what appears to be water but just sand, this was just another beautiful lie which you had believed. That memory was no memory it was wishful thinking. Your mother wasn't alive for two years your memories had been modified at a young age to believe it those songs, those reads Luciana hadn't done it... It was always your mother Narcissa Malfoy she was the only one, You couldn't hold it anymore. "Who did this to me?" You demanded. Snape took a deep breath "Me" he solemnly replied, You weren't shocked no you were far too used to these lies. "You? Why?" You asked visible anger as you wriggled out of his embrace and stepped several feet away from him, "Why?" You asked more aggressively.
"To protect you...You know who made me your Godfather?" Snape calmly asked. You were shaking with utmost rage, "Do you think I care?" You barked. 
"Yes, You do care Y/n you're angry it is why your talking absurd," Snape said lowly, You glared at him absurd? absurd? did he even know what he was talking about? Snape knew you were burning with rage to speak. 
"Come to the potions room-"
"Pensive? to show me beautiful lies? I'm not listening to you, I'm finding out these truths on my own. One way or the other, You were supposed to break the truths to me, not show me more lies.

"I wasn't supposed to tell you... Y/n let me explain." Snape said but you were not in your right senses "You had your chance Uncle five years of it and you didn't tell, I'm not waiting anymore." Snape knew you would not listen but he knew he could not let you go from the possible things that might happen if he dared to overstep. "Y/n I won't be feeding you lies, If you let me show you-" 
"I don't trust you" You simply said taking heavy deep breaths "I don't trust you" You repeated. "I'll tell you on your family, who killed who, the protections, on your dreams, memories, and everything." He looked sincerely in your eyes, you started having second thoughts Snape never lied to you, you could give him a second chance. If he lied your dreams would show you, You nodded. 

While walking to the potions room, the walk was tense and the silence was eerie, You passed your friends and you did not meet their worried glances. "Y/n just faced another set of lies today, and she was crying this morning but she couldn't wake up from her dreams." Hermione said to Harry and Ron, "To be honest I don't think she is going to keep to herself anymore." Ron said confidently "One day she's going to blast the bombshell." Ron said again to be looked at Harry and Hermione.

"What can we even do to help her? If she doesn't want to even talk?" Hermione asked, "dunno maybe we should let her tell instead of reassuring her she can talk to us." Harry said walking off.

Once you had reached the potions lab, Snape went to get seven vials with a few parchments and books, "You canceled all your classes, today Uncle?" You softly asked he looked at you, you had calmed down completely you felt disgusted you acted like a monster. "No, you didn't," Snape said, "Huh?" You asked confused "You didn't act like a monster you deserved to know, your occlumency gets weak when you can't control emotions it is why I'm giving you classes every Thursday." Snape said, "I will be there." 

He put poured a black liquid into the Pensive "See" You stooped down and felt yourself being pulled in, "Snape." Sirius called clutching his wand "What is it Black? Isn't I taking the risks I am enough for you?" 
Sirius took a deep breath "You do know Luciana is pregnant." He started "Yes, did something happen to the baby?" Snape asked fearing the worst "No, I-I need you to be the godfather of my baby." Sirius was gazing down. "And your okay with me being your baby's godfather?" Snape asked he was shocked who thought Sirius would ask him to be the Godfather "I think you'll protect the baby." 
"I will hopefully she/he turns out more like Luciana than you," Snape remarked Sirius gritted his teeth. He knew what he meant "In case something unfortunate happens."

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