The Creators of Dumbeldore's Army

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The following weekend, I think you all had invited about twenty people to Hogesmade. Since, Umbridge watched you like a hawk it was hard to get away even for an hour. You had visited Prof. McGonagal to give you the permission you needed and not your Uncle because you didn't want Umbridge to find out he is your Godfather and create more awful rules. Getting the permission was quite easy although you didn't tell the real reason why you were going out, At least you got out right? 
So right now your in this cabin and everyone's staring holes. 
"Umm we...." Hermione began but you could right away tell public speaking wasn't her thing. So you interrupted.

"We have called you here because, Of Voldemort." You began

"You-Know-Who ain't even back!" Seamus said through the crowd. "So, you want us to believe you?"

"No, Dear Voldemort is back just hasn't make himself known to the world, Let me rephrase it Voldemort is recruiting his followers, recruiting dark magical beasts so it's only natural he doesn't want anyone to know who is back, He is clever there were only three people right who saw him return." You replied back.

"So? What if he is back?" You turned to look at Seamus with your one of your eyebrows raised.

"Want me to give you a list?" You asked him. "Listen Voldemort is out there and he is dangerous do I even need to elaborate that? If we will not prepare and believe the prophet, You all will be killed before you know what hit you. Actually you shouldn't be surprised when you hear a soon Mass breakout in Azkaban, And trust me Voldemort will stop at nothing to reach his goal." You ended. "That's all there is to say the rest is of course your choice but don't say you haven't been warned." 

"Can you cast a Patronus? Is it true?" Luna asked.

"Y/n is the most powerful, She defeated an hundred Dementors as once, Battled Voldemort for two years--" You interrupted Hermione.

"Mione Dear, I must say Harry defeated him I may have added the finishing touches--" She interrupted you again.

"No, Y/n your being Modest." Hermione fired back. 

All of them started lining up as you held a parchment with a quill to write there names.


"So, this is supposed to prepare us for what is out there?" Someone asked.

"Who cares Y/n made a killer plan, to break the rules." Hermione said excited.

"Where do we get this done?" Harry asked.

"Room of Requirement." You said.

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