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Song -  Where the heart is by Haevn

Where the heart is
When the light's at your side
When the faith is ready
No more guidance
Take the leap of your life
As the ground is shaking...

I chose the latter.

I stood still mostly because I was done running and hiding from the press . It's quite exhausting to be honest. Secondly , I didn't even get the chance to make another choice because they were already right in front of me and throwing numerous questions at me.

" Emma Durson why did you go into hiding?"

" Is it true that there's a lawsuit against the news station that aired the rumors about you?"

" What is really the aim of this fundraiser event?"

" Are you planning on ever going back to New York?"

" What is the relationship between you and Logan Ross like right now?"

" Dammit." A scowl appeared on Logan's face. " I should have made this event more private. Should I ask my men to send them out?"

" It's already too late for that . Don't you think?" I looked at him nervously.

A blonde haired woman that woman managed to squeeze herself into the front of the other newsmen and shoved her large mic and cellphone in front of my face.

" Are you aware that the video you posted just last night has hit over ten million views? You're currently trending on all Social networks."

Is it me? Or am I getting more confused each day? What video was she talking about? When did I have the time to make a video and post it?

Logan looked at me with the same confused look I had on my face. "Do you have any idea what she's talking about?"

" No I don't." I shook my head . I looked straight at her . " What video are you talking about?"

" This video." The blonde haired woman tapped a button on her smartphone and a video of me started playing. I squinted so that I could take a closer look at the video and you would not believe it. It was a video of the day Shelly was asking me questions about Logan in my room. My room! It was being recorded? By who? How? Was a Camera man at my window recording everything I was saying that night and I didn't know? But how would that even be possible? My room is upstairs meaning that the guy would have had a ladder with him .

Even so it still doesn't satisfy my confusion. Shelly and I would have definitely noticed someone at my window. I mean the conversation between Shelly and I was a pretty long one and the person would have been tired from standing on a ladder for that long. The angles showed that it obviously wasn't from my window that the video was made so who did this?

" The fans are loving it and let me tell you, there's thousands of posts on almost every social media network there is with the hashtag Speak for love ." Another reporter chirped in.

" A lot of people want to know what motivated you to come out and speak your mind. They applaud you for coming out and speaking your truth."

" I'm sorry but I don't understand what's going on . I didn't make that video." I was still trying to wrap my head around this whole thing. None of it was making any sense.

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