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Song - I don't wanna wait for you by Lee Cole.

Because every single day
All the little things you do
Make me feel like I've been used
Because the more I love
The more I get burned
The more I feel hurt
The more we both know
We just can't work
So I ain't gonna wait
I ain't gonna wait for you
I'm just being real with you
I'm done...


" We're under a cyber attack."

The words were resounding in my ears like an echo.

" Well is any one doing anything about it?!" I asked her angrily as I left everything and walked out of my office  . Fuck . How the hell was someone trying to hack into my security system?

"The security team are already on it, Sir." She replied nervously as she tried to keep up with my pace as I walked into the elevator and pressed the button to take me down to the fifth floor. This was where the security team worked . The team was made up of the professional hackers, security engineers and the risk managers.

I walked in and saw the hackers in front of their computers , typing away seriously. They were about thirty of them . Most of them looked scared when the saw me but they continued typing. Well the look on my face right now wasn't the most pleasant one to see because I was about to lose my goddam mind.

" Where is Mr Karan?" I bellowed.

" I'm here , Sir." A middle aged Indian man answered as he came out of the bathroom.

" Why did you let this happen? Your job is to develop a security system with no holes that can give hackers access to my company  so how on earth did someone get into my security system?!"

" I...I don't know Sir. My team and I developed one of the strongest security systems , hard to penetrate by hackers . There were no digital doors or windows left unlocked. We don't know how they bypassed our security system ." He replied nervously. I saw beads of sweat forming on his forehead and his underarms were wet.

This wasn't good. This wasn't good at all. This was the worst possible time to penetrate my company . If the hacker or hackers were working for a rival company , they could steal all of my company secrets or even worse , they could gain access to the top secret designs of the new tech my company wanted to release . If they're paid enough money, hackers can make anyone's life a living hell .  I couldn't under any circumstances let that happen with my company.

" Mr Karan . If you don't want to be unemployed in the next five minutes then I suggest you fix this right now ." I told him fiercely.

" Y...yes sir." He stuttered as he scurried away to sit down in front of his computer and started typing codes.

I rubbed my face roughly. This was a very frustrating day.

" Do you know anyone who would do this ?" I asked Rachael who was standing behind me with a folder clutched to her chest.

" I really don't know , Logan . Maybe it's one of those black hats that want to get the company's information so that they can blackmail you into giving them money ."

She had a point . I knew for a fact that criminal hackers were always trying to get access to information of top companies so that they would threaten to sell them to other companies in exchange for money. Well they've messed with the wrong company . I didn't employ thirty hackers for nothing .

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