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Song- Lonely by Noah Cyrus.

Oh, can't someone help me
Oh, please someone help me
I don't care anyone, anything
'Cause I'm so sick of being so lonely
Miss all my family
Oh, I don't care, anyone, anything
'Cause I'm so sick of being so lonely


Emma's POV

It had been four days. Four days since I left Logan's mansion. Four days since I had left Logan. After the day Logan and Jake had the clash. None of them had come to the hotel again. I guess it was for the best . I couldn't handle the drama they would bring me . I couldn't stand them fighting. I hated physical combat or confrontation very much. And I knew that it was the only thing that would happen if Logan and Jake were kept in a room together for very long.

Tess was the only one who had been coming to visit me when she was done in the studio . She tried as much as possible to veer me up but the moment she left, I would feel very lonely again. The medium sized room would suddenly look big, the bed would look bigger and I would feel like a small ant in a very big space. I thought about Logan most times. I hated how I missed him . I hated how I still loved him but I couldn't help myself. He was the first man I ever loved and so sincerely thought he was going to be the last.

After hiding away in my hotel room and sulking for four miserable days that were filled with morning sicknesses and sulking. I decided it was time to go out and look for awhile I was waiting for replies from the companies I sent out emails to. I had been holed up in my room and I was forgetting how being in the outside world with actual people around felt like.

I also thought about the fact that It wasn't just me anymore . I would soon be responsible for another human being in a few months time. Since I had giving up the job at Orange Inc. and quit working for Logan, I would need another job that would pay me enough to take care of myself and my baby and also help me pay Logan back the money I owed him.

I also needed to get a place to stay because I couldn't obviously stay in this hotel forever. I was even surprised that I had managed to stay here for four days without getting traced by any reporters or photographers. Still, I couldn't be so sure. Those people usually disguise themselves when they follow people around and you wouldn't even know that they're reporters.

With the money I've saved from working for Logan , I should be able to get myself a small apartment but paying the rent would be the issue . That's why I needed to get a job really fast.

Since Logan had refused to be in the life of my baby, I was also going to be doing things like buying baby clothes and other things. It made me sad that I was going to be doing this without Logan. Once I imagine us as a happy couple, going shopping for baby clothes, the baby's stroller, choosing the color of the babies room and choosing baby names together but that thought disappeared from my mind because this was reality. My reality and in this reality, Logan didn't anything to do with our baby. That's why I didn't even bother adding his last name to Skylar's name. I'm sure he didn't even care whether she had his last name or not. All he cared about was his image, his company, his ex wife but never me or my feelings. I hated how I felt jealousy towards her even when she wasn't alive. How could I feel animosity to someone I wasn't even seeing? It's not like I could help myself. This was what Logan had turned me into. A girl that was jealous of a dead woman.

As I did the calculations of everything on a piece of paper. I realized that if I wanted to do this alone and do it well, I would need to get not only one job but two.

While I was still thinking  about all my expenses , my phone started ringing beside me. I grabbed it and the Caller I D showed an unknown number. I could bet on anything that it was Logan. He had been calling me since the last two days but I refused to pick his calls. Only he would pull a stunt like this. I told him to leave and he pulls a stunt like this. I got annoyed all over again just thinking about how he was desperate to get me to go back to him when he still didn't care that I was pregnant. Well I'm never going back to him if he doesn't change. Yes, even after leaving him I still had a glimmer of hope that he would change.

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