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Song- Helium by Sia

And if you let go, I'll float towards the sun
I'm stronger 'cause you fill me up
But when the fear comes and I drift towards the ground
I am lucky that you're around...

" Christ! Emma are you okay?" Calvin asked with a worried look on his face.

My stomach lurched and I felt like I was going to do a second round of throwing up all over them if I didn't find a bathroom soon. " Is there a bathroom here?"

" Yes. Just this way." A waiter who had come to scene the first time I threw up led me to the bathroom.

" I'll come with you." Tess said as she followed us behind.

Maddie was on the verge of standing up when her cell phone rang. " I'll be with you guys in a minute. It's the wedding planner."

I practically launched myself at the bathroom sink and threw up all the contents of my stomach till there was nothing left. Then I turned on the faucet and washed my face with the running water. I didn't know why I was throwing up . I was perfectly fine this morning, I ate a good breakfast and although I was feeling a little bit dizzy when I woke up, I thought of it as nothing. Maybe I was coming down with something or maybe it's the fact that my ex boyfriend is dating one of my best friends and somehow his name is Troy.

" Do you feel better now?" Tess asked as she rubbed my back.

" Yeah." I nodded as I grabbed a paper towel and cleaned my face.

Maddie appeared by the bathroom door. "Emma, do you need a doctor?"

I shook my head. " No. I feel fine."

" Are you sure?"  She probed further feeling my forehead.

" Yeah. I'm okay." I assured her. I still felt kind of queasy but overall, I was good.

Maddie looked from me to Tess. " Okay . First off, I think there's some kind of misunderstanding because that's Calvin standing out there and you said his name was Troy."

" Why do you guys keep calling him Calvin? His name is Troy." Tess replied obviously confused with what was going on.

I turned to her and sighed. " Tess, that guy outside there is Calvin and I would know this because he's my ex boyfriend. Remember you were supposed to meet him at Maddie and Ron's engagement dinner but you couldn't because you had food poisoning?"

She looked at me , her face full of realization. " Wait , that's Calvin? Like Calvin the guy you dated before Logan?"

" Yes." I answered.

" But... how is that even possible? He told me... I don't understand." She stuttered.

Maddie's cell phone made a beeping sound and she checked it . " Guys, I just got a text from Ron, he's waiting for me at the Wedding planner's office and if I don't go now, the next time we'll get an appointment with her would be next week."

" Oh it's fine. Go."

" Okay . Bye you guys." Maddie hugged Tess and I . " It was nice seeing you both again."

" You too Maddie."

She left and I turned to Tess. It was time to tackle the issue at hand. " Why don't we go out there and sort everything out?"

" Yeah, good idea." She agreed . We were both leaving the bathroom when a lady who was about to enter, hit me probably by mistake. She had a fiery orange shoulder length hair and she was wearing sunglasses. Who wears sunglasses indoors?

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