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Song - Bed Of Lies by Nicki Minaj.

Do you ever think of me when you lie?
Lie down in your bed, your bed of lies
And I knew better than to look in your eyes
They only pretend you would be mine
And oh how you made me believe
You had me caught in every web that you weaved
But do you ever think of me when you lie?
Lie down in your bed, your bed of lies...


I still couldn't believe my ears.

There are rumors going around that you're pregnant. How true is that ?

Who started the rumors? How did anyone even find out that I was pregnant? For the person or people to even spread the rumors, they must have had some kind of evidence.

My stomach churned as I glanced at Logan who had a frown on his face. There was no doubt that he didn't like this either. I mean, I knew that we couldn't hide the pregnancy for so long . Sooner or later everyone was bound to find out about it especially when I grow a bump but I would have really preferred it if they found out later and not right now on a tv show and in front of a live audience.

I looked at Logan, waiting for him to say something but he just sat there quietly. I could imagine the anger that was burning through him right now. If he didn't want to tell his family about the pregnancy, would he even want the world to know?

I was almost a nervous wreck as I sat there, thinking of what to say to Susan and the waiting audience.

" Emma, we're waiting." She said in a sing-song voice. I glanced at the audience and saw their eager looking faces.

" Uh...I..."

Think Emma. What are you going to say?

" I don't know if I can answer that." I finally said. I didn't want to lie about my pregnancy but at the same time, me confirming that I was pregnant would just create more problems for me. There would be newspapers and tabloids going around with the news that I confirmed that I was pregnant. Everywhere I go the paparazzi would follow me and bombard me with questions. I mean, I'm trying to get used to photographers and the press following me around but whatever I said right now would determine the next phase of my life on social media and news channels. The press were starting to leave me alone after the whole rumor instead but if I agreed to being pregnant , it would just stir them up again and that is a lot of drama that I'm not cut out for right now.

" Oh come on , Emma. This is live tv. Your audience and the fans watching right now really want to know if you're pregnant." Susan urged me and I went into shock.

Live tv? Live tv??? How come no one informed me that this was a live show ?

I thought this show was like all those shows that are pre recorded and released at a later date. I was too excited about being on this show to inquire about it first . Live tv. This was so much worse. Maybe if it was pre recorded , I would have found a way to tell Susan to cut the part about me being pregnant out of the show before it was aired . Shit. I could imagine how many people were tuned into this show and watching right now.

I managed to keep a smile on my face even though deep down all I wanted to do was dig a hole in the ground and bury myself in it.

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