32(⚠️Steamy Scene Alert)

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Song - Scared to be Lonely by Dua Lipa and Martin Garrix

Is it just our bodies? Are we both losing our minds?
Is the only reason you're holding me tonight
'Cause we're scared to be lonely?
Do we need somebody just to feel like we're alright?
Is the only reason you're holding me tonight
'Cause we're scared to be lonely?...


Logan's POV

Liv was my second cousin and she had been in Europe for as long as I can remember. She moved to the UK with her family after her mother remarried . The only time she came to visit was a few years ago after Amy died but she received a not so warm welcome from me , as a result of the fact that I was still grieving.

She left for Europe after a few days in New York to start med school but a some months ago, I called her and apologized for my behavior towards her and we made up. If she was coming to visit she would have called me first to let me know that she was in the country.

" Are you sure Liv was here?" I asked her again just to make sure It wasn't someone else she saw.

" Yeah." She replied without turning back to look at me.

" What did she say?" I asked her.

" She said a lot of interesting things." The way she emphasized on the word 'interesting' told me that she had a lot of things she wanted to get off her chest.

" Interesting things like what?"

She spun around abruptly. " Hmm. Let me see. She told me the real reason you and your ex girlfriend, Lisa broke up."

My jaw clenched at the sound of Lisa's name but it still didn't hide my confusion. " What did Liv tell you?"

" She told me how Lisa got pregnant and you made her get rid of it  and after that you broke up with her and paid her a lot of money so that she would keep quiet about it.

" What?" I got up from the stool. I was more than appalled. What was Emma talking about cause right now confusion was an understatement.

"How could you do that to someone , Logan?" She continued. " How could you make her abort her own child against her will and then break up with her?"

I heard her voice break as she talked . The way she looked at me felt like she was standing in front of a monster. But I sincerely had no clue what she was talking about. More importantly, why would Liv tell her something like that?
" Angel, I don't know what you're talking about. Lisa was never pregnant for me and I never asked her to get rid of the child. I told you how the relationship ended . I didn't really love Lisa . She was like a rebound to me so I broke things off with her so that I wouldn't continue leading her on."

She looked at me with eyes that told me that she didn't know whether to believe me or not.

I felt hurt. I thought Emma and I talked about this already. " You really think I would do something like that to her? To anyone?" I know that I'm an asshole sometimes but I would never force a woman to get an abortion."

Her eyes darted to the other direction and when they rested on me again, they held a cold emotion.  " Well it's really hard to believe you right now , judging by the way you're doing everything possible not be involved with this pregnancy."

I walked towards her. " Angel look, I know that I'm not exactly excited about you being pregnant but I would never force you to remove the baby if you didn't want to."

Emma stared at my face for some seconds as if she was trying to decipher if I was telling the truth or not. But I am. I'm telling the god damn truth. She finally opened her mouth to speak . " So you're saying that your cousin is lying?"

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