" Oneshot 100 "

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Y/n I promise after I come back we'll get married straight.He said in a reassuring tone but I shake my head as I hug him tight not wantinv to let go.

I love you J-jungkook please don't f-forget that.I felt so depress when he told me that he's going to Seoul to be an idol.

I love you too Y/n.He rub my back softly and it only made me cry more when I heard a beeping sound outside.

I need to go now Y/n.I put down my arms as I gave him a peck on the lips one last time before he left.

-2 years later-

My eyes were teary at the news I just knew, Jungkook was now successful and the last time he visited me was last 4 months and after that nothing anymore it was like I was now no one to him.

I took my phone and tap on his number but he drop the call straight which made a pang on my chest.

He doesn't want me anymore.He don't love me anymore.Is there someone else now inside his heart?Who is she?How can he do this to me?

Those questions keep on poppin inside my head as I once again tried to call him only for him to not answer again.

Stop calling me.I'm busy.

I read the message he sent me more than thrice as my grip on my phone tightly.

He keep on saying this all the time and I think what he was saying is "don't call me anymore" and I can't accept the fact that he doesn't love me anymore.

Jungkook you promised me that you'll marry and what is this now?it's like you don't want me anymore tell me the truth is there someone else now?

My fingers were shaking while tapping those letters as my tears keep on flowing down my cheeks just like the time when he left but this is more painful.

I think I wouldn't be able to go home to Busan so soon.

He avoided the last question.I thought and I once again read what he answered and I felt so defeat now.

"Wouldn't be able to go home" does that mean that he's not going to marry me?is he now giving up?after all of the things I gave up just for him?this is what I get in return?

I think this is now the end of our love story Jeon Jungkook.

•The End


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