√Oneshot 8:Age Gap

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Have you ever had a boyfriend whose older than you?I mean duh having boyfriends whose older than you are quite common.

Well cause me-I mean we're not dating like I know I know it's just a one-sided love actually.But It's not bad to dream right?

He just think of me as his little junior cause he's older than me for 3 years and also my senior.If I was his age will he still see me as a kid though?

Were not even friends should I make the first move?

How will he even notice me when we rarely see each other and I'm a loner I don't really have friends but I do have some before but I push them away cause I got inspired by the Ff I read on wattpad I know it's stupid but they just stop talking to me after I did that stupid thing and just like that I got entitled as the loner.

No one even tried to talk to me after that aish how frustrating!but hey it's actually a bit fun ya'know?no one will bother you but sometimes it still gets a bit boring not being able to talk to someone.

So let's start stop with my friendship life and start with my love life well not really.


"Good morning sunbae." I greeted with a matching bow infront of my crush, Jeon Jungkook.My cheeks went warm and I felt my heart thumping so fast inside my chest.

'He's so handsome.' I thought.

He bowed back and I blush more while his friends nudge his side as he tried to stop them by giving them some looks but they still continued and I got more flustered and I can also see that he is also starting too.

'Gosh!his friends are really!argh!quite supportive actually hehe.'

I went back to my building running cause I'm already running late.The seniors are so lucky they start their class in 8am.I slam the door open and the first thing I saw was our strict teacher.

"Why are you late?!" He teacher ask with one hand on his side with a look of 'whatever your reason is I still wouldn't believe it'.

'Gosh this teacher is so strict I should say a good excuse so he'll believe me but I know for sure that he really wouldn't.'

"U-ummm..I was in t-the clinic yeah!I was in the clinic sir!" I answered thanking my brain for thinking so fast.

'I better thank my parents for giving me a high IQ!Just kidding I'm quite average but the thing is I don't do studying.

"You may now come in but next time." He stop his words and instead gave me a glare that says 'your dead' I sigh as I sat on my seat and he continued the lesson and not even 10 minutes and passed and I was already starting to get sleepy this old man is so boring! how come his wife even date someone so boring as him?!


I walk towards the senior's building again to see of course the one and only Jeon Jungkook and I'm so excited and anxious at the same time.

I suddenly bump to someone that I almost fell backwards but good thing the person who bump into me was a good catcher and manage to save my daydreaming self.

I sigh as I push myself away from the person and my eyes almost pop out of there sockets when I recognize the person.

'It's Jungkook!the Jungkook I came here for.'

"Are you okay?" He ask and I felt my face bacame warm like it does everytime I hear his voice and it gets worse when I see him and this time we were too close to each other God are you trying to kill me?

"O-oh!I'm ok Jungkook sunbae!" I stuttered as I quickly straighten my posture.

"That's good but how come you know my name Miss Junior?we just met once and this is just the second time." He ask as the side of his lips twitch upwards and I felt like slapping myself right now.

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