√Oneshot 1:Liking Jungkook

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"Hi Y/n!" Jungkook greeted me as he wave a hand my way with a smile plastered on his face and I in return gave him a shy one.Even thought we've been classmates for who knows how long I still get shy when it comes to him.

Cause 1: I like him and 2: I like him and 3: I like him.So I obviously have a crush on him and I hope he won't know anything about it cause if he would then it be the most embarrassing thing that I would never be able to forget in this lifetime.

I sigh quietly as I reviewed the assignment that was assigned to us by our Math teacher making sure it doesn't have any mistake as I squint my eyes on every letters and numbers that was written on the thin piece of paper.

"Hey!Y/n have you done the assignment?" A manly voice suddenly interrupted which made me startle on my seat but I instantly calmed down a tiny bit when I saw that it was just Jungkook who plop on the vacant sit beside mine.

"I-i did." I replied shyly and I instantly felt my cheeks getting warm when I noticed at how close our arms were.

"Can I burrow it for a w while?I forgot to do mine." He said sheepishly while scratching his nape and I tried to restrain a laugh by biting my inner cheek.

I hand him my assignment and he took it swiftly before walking back on his proper seat which was located at the back end of the classroom.

I'm just worried that he might not give it back I mean even though he's my crush I don't really trust him cause he was one as the bad boy in the campus and also an irresponsible one.

The teacher came in and my head quickly turned towards Jungkook who was already talking with one of his friends.My eyes search his table only to see nothing placed on top of it.

I turn to look back at our teacher and felt my heart beat started to fasten inside my chest as my eyes then soon started to water as I blink rapidly not wanting to cry and embarrass myself infront of my classmates.

The teacher started to collect the assignments and I turn to look at Jungkook's way whose happily talking with his friends then he slowly turn his head my way before rising a brow with a mocking expression before turning back on talking with his friends.

"Miss Y/n your assignment." The teacher demanded with her usual strict tone and my fingers unconsciously started to fidget in nervousness.

"Ma'am." I softly said as she rise her right brow waiting for my next word but nothing came out.

"You don't have your assignment?" She ask and I hesitantly nodded my head hesitantly before looking down at my fidgeting fingers.

"Then get out of my class." I bit my lower lip at that as my frown deepened.

I nodded my head and gave her a bow before walking out of the classroom as I heard my classmate's whispering only to be shush by the teacher.

"Why am I so dumb and let Jungkook take my assignment?!" I shouted but not too loud and gave myself a hard smack as I stomp my feet towards the rooftop(typical) to calm down.

-An Hour Later-

The rooftop door burst open and came in Jungkook with a smirk dangling on his lips he then walk his way towards me and I look away before shutting my eyes with a long sigh.

"What do you want?" I ask softly still with my eyes shut cause I can feel my chest tighten when I saw the victorious look on his face even though I find it quite handsome.

"Sorry about earlier I did it on purpose I mean you should thank me though cause you were dismissed earlier than us and the teacher's face looks funny." He let out a chuckle after then I felt his presence beside me and that's when I finally open my eyes and at the same time a lone tear glide down my cheek.

"I can't believe that I actually like an asshole like you." I said under my breath not anymore caring if he knows about my likings on him before turning to him only to see him with a blank look on his face.

"Well I can't also believe that the innocent girl I like actually knows how to cuss."


Your cute author, Jeonlys🐇

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