√Oneshot 11:Betrayed

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"Kook what were you thinking!?" I ask angrily as I pull him by his shoulder forcing him to look down cause the height difference between us are like heaven and hell.

"I like her and I can't keep my feelings anymore!" He fired back as he remove my hand away from his shoulder.

I look at him in disbelief.Is this really my bestfriend Jeon Jungkook the guy who have been with me through ups and down?

"We nerds can't like especially love quenka or kingka cause that's the rule in this school!" I screamed trying to remind him the rules.

"F*ck the rules!I really like her!" He cried out as he ran out of the room leaving me alone.

"F*ck the rules huh." I chuckle bitterly.


"Oh look isn't Miss nerdy?guess what we got a new member in our group." Taehyung one of the kingka block my way.

I look up and scan them but my eyes stop on a certain person that I thought would never be one of them.

Jeon Jungkook the guy that I have always been loving more than I love my own sibling by blood the guy that swear to always be by my side.

"What are doing with them kook?" I ask him as I look him straight in the eye.His looks right now were completely different from beforehand he got rid of the nerdy glasses we bought together and we're matching but it was now just me alone who's wearing it.

Taehyung gave him a nod and he walk near me and he lower himself.

"Stay away from me nerd." He whispered loudly(Jeonlys:wutt?!) near my ear as all the guys laugh and he himself also laugh when he saw a tear rolled down my cheek.

"Awe crying now?are nerds really a crybaby?" He put on a pouty face trying to imitate the way I probably look right now.

"I hate you." I mumble under my breath as I walk pass him bumping my shoulder on his.

"Good job kook you're officially a member of BANGTANSONYEONDAN." I heard Taehyung announced then they started cheering.

-(Written:100421 Edited:090121)

Jeonlys:Someone once requested a pt2 for this and it took lottttts of time sorry bout that.

Your cute author, Jeonlys🐇

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