√Oneshot 5:Unwanted soulmate

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"I can't believe a girl like you would be my soulmate!I'm so ashame!I mean I'm one of the goddamn Kingkas of this school and then the soulmate that was given to me is a fucking big fat nerd?your the actual opposite of me!no!I wouldn't accept this!" He screamed in anger as he ruffled his hair before giving me a glare.

"But J-jungkook we can't change fate I'm your m-mate shouldn't you be happy?" I stutter out as tears continuously rolled down my chubby cheeks.

"This is your fault!if only you were not born!I won't have to feel ashame on letting my mate meet my family and friends!" He continued to scream as he push me harshly as I drop onto the ground with my back touching the wall.

"You better not show your disgusting face on me after this." He hastily said before walking away leaving me a sobbing mess on the ground.

'Why can't he just accept me?'

-A few days later-
-Jeon Jungkook's POV-

"Jungkook!I want you to meet someone especial." A happy Taehyung walk closer with his arm slang on a girl's shoulder with geek glasses on.

"Oh who is this?your new toy?what's with the sudeen change?" I smirk only to earn a glare from Taehyung as I saw his hold onto the girl's shoulder tighten.

"I forgive you this time but this girl here is my soulmate that I just somehow met a while ago isn't she just the cutest?" He look at the girl with loving eyes as the girl giggled in return.The two of them sat on the bench opposite mine with his arms still around the girl.

I suddenly felt jealousy inside as my mind went on the incident days ago.

"Hey kook you okay?" Taehyung ask and I nod just staring at the two of them as I unconsciously started to snap my finger as a habit.

"How bout you?have you found yours?" He once again ask but I stayed silent and stop making the snapping noise and started to eat my lunch.

I saw him roll his eyes on me and instead turn his attention back to his girl.

"Why sad, love?" I heard Taehyung ask making me scoff silently.

"My best friend just all of a sudden transferred school." I heard her reply.

"Is she the chubby girl who always reads books?"

"Yeah, she was the bestest friend I ever had but she just said a short bye and poof leaving me behind."

'Chubby?reads books?a nerd?is it possibly her?'

"What's her name?" I joined their conversation as the two of them got startled and Taehyung once again gave me a glare.

"Don't scare me especially my girl like that!you single man!" He complain but I just ignore him.

"It's Y/n." She replied as her eyes started to get teary.

"She told me that she have finally found her soulmate but that asshole doesn't want her a kind and lovable girl!" She cried out as Taehyung instantly pulled her in a hug while rubbing her back.

'I was her soulmate and also the asshole who rejected her.'

-written on 092820 (062521)

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