Oneshot 32

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Jungkook I love you will you be my boyfriend?I ask and kneel down infront of him with a flower of boquet in hand with my hopeful eyes looking at him.

He look around and to the crowd that's surrounding us and sigh looking back at my kneeling form.

He kneel down infront of me and whispered on my ear.

"You should have done this privately"He whispered and took the bouquet and pulled me up on my feet as we walk away from the crowd who keeps on cheering.

My heartbeat was beating so fast, are we a couple now?what was his answer?Did he reject me?questions filled my head as I keep on following him.

We stop near a trashcan.I look at it and gave out a shaky breath this is not what I'm thinking.

He turn to look at me and rolled his eyes.

What's with you giving me a flower?you know I hate flowers I'm not gay for heaven's sake!He said and threw the bouquet on the trash can.

And walk away bumping my shoulder.

I look at the bouquet which is now on the trash can I the. blink rapidly not wanting to cry but my tears betrayed me and rolled down my cheek.

I wipe it immediately I hate crying I shouldn't have gave him a bouquet of flower instead.

I'm so stupid!


Hey man!I heard you rejected a girl yesterday you should have gave her a chance since it's valentines day.Taehyung said and I rolled my eyes on him.

That girl is not my type totally not my type.I said remembering her face and outfit yesterday.

Taehyung cross his arms and rolled his eyes.

Well for me she's my type and she's beautiful and I heard that she's the top on her class if only she like me instead of you.He said shaking his head.

You want that girl?then go get her I don't care.I said standing up from my seat.

You really don't care?!He shouted and I shouted back a YUP!and a thumbs up.


He reject me.Jungkook reject me.My all time crush reject me.I thought and shake my head.

What am I thinking he's not the only guy in this world.

Aish!I'm going crazy~


I have a deal with you!Taehyung exclaimed and I got startled and he laugh pulling out his hand I look at it and sigh.

What?I boringly ask.

I thought about what you said yesterday and I'm serious about me liking the girl you rejected so can I courti her?He said and showed his boxy smile hands waiting for a handshake.

Yeah court her or whatever and good luck.I said shaking his hand and he jump in joy and I shake my head.

But why do I feel hesitant?


Hello Y/n~I look at the guy squinting my eyes..

How does he know my name?Is he a stalker of mine?I thought as I keep staring at him, weirdly.

Ummm I'm Kim Taehyung and I'm a friend of Jungkook.He introduced and I nodded my head and turned around as I started to walk away.

Yah!where are you going?!I heard him shout and I fasten my pace.

Until I felt him pull my arm that made me turn to face him once again.

What do you want?I ask getting annoyed.

I like you!He exclaimed and I look at him shook.


So what did she said?Jungkook ask Taehyung just look at him and smiled.


Hey man I'm if your still courting Y/n I want you to stop.Jungkook said and Taehyung walk his way.

Fist clench tightly Jungkook got nervous looking at his best friends action.

Taehyung threw his clench fist on Jungkook's face but stop and giggled.

J-jungkook your r-reaction!Taehyung said laughing while clutching on his stomach.

I stopped courting her after she rejected me.Taehyung said trying to stop laughing.

Jungkook smile thinking about what his dear best friend said.


Hey bro how bout this flower? Taehyung said as he pointed at the red rose bouquet.

I look at it and smile thinking about what would Y/n's reaction but my smile fade away when I remembered the time she confess.

I'll take that roses.

Man she's coming.Taehyung mumbled as we both saw Y/n coming our way I started to get nervous.

Taehyung walk towards Y/n not before tapping my shoulder with a nod.

I walk towards Y/n and kneeled down in front of her just like what she did last time.

Yah!What are you doing?She ask as she tried to pull me up on my feet but I stayed still.

Y/n I'm so sorry for rejecting you,for hurting you I really like you~I confess she just look at me frozen.

Is this another dream?

This is real Y/n I really do like you.



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