Oneshot 113

461 27 3

Y/n's body was full of scratches as the nurses surround her with medical things on there hands.Y/n was never used on seeing such things but she can't do or even react at the moment for the felt like God is ready to take her to heaven.Her sight keeps on turning black then normal each seconds she's fighting to live but the smell of medicine is only making things worse.She hates the smell of them even when her brother is a doctor heck she even smack him on the back of his head right on the day of his graduation and scold him after that and all through the ride home but her scoldings were stop by her amazing of a parents who also works as doctors.She felt like an alien everytime she's with them especially when their wearing their lab coats on. Good thing her husband is far from being one of them he is taxi driver-no just kidding he's a childish CEO who keeps on bothering me on my work which is on the ground floor heck I don't even know how I caught his attention when all I wore on my first day was a black sweater and a black jeans yeah right too unprofessional bit guess what?I still got in to the job bless my face surely got it from my brother who got it from my father's twin who looks like our grandmother who also got her looks from our great grandmother and grandfather.

Let us go back to the situation I am in before It happened.So I was driving like a cool dude with a loud K-Pop music as a background music and right as I was about to slow down the pace my husband (your idol) did a very high note and it shook me to the core that I instead made the opposite thing then a car accident happened and right now I felt like dying.My eyes are going hazy and my eyelids felt so heavy to open and my ears are making ringing sounds and my nose felt so stuffy and my mouth felt so dry heck I don't even have the energy to swallow my own saliva but then a vision of my son who has vacant teeth right on his front upper teeth flash inside my head and I fight more on wanting to sleep.

Ma'am please fight the sleepiness.The nurse calmly said and I even felt a path on my arm that looks so pale as a sheet of paper.I think a lot of people might even get jealous of my new complexion right now.What am I even thinking?I am clearly on the verge of dying and all I think are stupid things.

My thoughts went on my silly husband, Jeon Jungkook.That guy will surely be depressed all his life-but maybe he would instantly move on and have a new girlfriend who will he soon marry and would also be a stepmother of my munchkin.Just thinking of the woman who'll soon be the next Mrs.Jeon made me cry I don't think I would have a happy spirit lingering around when it would happen.

S-shit!nurse am I dying?Why am I seeing my brother right now?did he die on his flight this morning?If he did I am so gonna torture his body until his spirit would come back out of fright.A scared expression was shown on Taehyung's face at what I said.Wait Taehyung?what the heck is my brother doing here?

Sis what the heck were you thinking while driving?did you even though about your husband and son?He then started to scold me like have mercy on the patient bro I am clearly on the verge of dying any moment or am I?

My love!my honey!my baby!are you okay?A crying Jungkook burst inside the room I am currently in not even bothering on closing the door behind him like dude the air con is on right now and he instantly hop his way on the bed side while holding my hand and I can't help but shiver at the coldness of his hand.

J-jungkook.I weakly said his name then his sobbing went more louder than before and I carefully wipe his tears with my free hand and smile and I wasn't able to not notice my brother who quietly walk his way out before closing the door not like someone.

Jungkook please take care of our son... you can marry another woman okay?I'm giving you the permission for our son's sake heck I even give you the permission on giving him siblings just like what he always wanted but sadly my husband is too busy to satisfy his wife's needs.I rolled my eyes mentally as I tighten my hold on his hand before taking a deep breath.

I love you please wait for me to-Before I could finish my sentence a yawn interrupt in between and soon my sleepiness took in charge of my tired body.

Honey?darling?baby?love?Y/N!please wake up!I promise to satisfy you every night just please wake up!

He thought I died but the beeping of the monitor was still actually doing it's job.

•This one-shot is only meant to be a joke Y(^_^)Y hehe

-Your cute author, Jeonlys🐇

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