√O:18 PART 2 - Acting*chp17*

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"Y/n guess what?" Jungkook ask in an excited tone as he held both of my hands tightly almost crushing the bones in my hands.

"What?" I ask putting on a fake smile already knowing what he was going to tell about that would crash my heart again.

"Y/n!!me and Jane noona!are finally dating!!" He happily jump around and hug me afterwards in joy but he didn't even notice that when he was sharing this piece of news to me he was the only one who was happy.

My eyes started to water as I let out a silent sob not caring anymore whether he sees me so weak and vulnerable.

He pulled away from the hug with his brows furrowed and there was a hint of worry in his eyes that would make me think that our feeling are mutual if it was not for me knowing that he already likes someone else.

"Why are you crying?" He ask while wiping my tears.

"You thought that I would be happy?I've been enduring Jeon Jungkook!I always have!" I screamed as I push him away.

"What do you mean?"

I wipe my tears and took a deep shaky breath preparing what I'm about to say that would completely change everything between us.

"I have always like you!" I finally confess and I saw the look of shock in his eyes this time.

"H-huh?" He wasn't able to say anything back and I chuckle bitterly.

"I have always like this whole time but then you like Jane sunbae." My voice became softer in saying this then I look down not daring to look at him.

He walk closer to me in attempt on taking my hands again but I did not let him and even took a step back.

"Are you not going to say anything" I ask now regaining my breath.

"I'm not Y/n cause I know that you're just acting, you're just acting right?" I laugh at what he said and I don't know if It was because I found it funny or I was sad that it made me laugh so hard that it hurts.

"No kook I like you and what I'm freking is true I have always been acting happy the whole time when you were telling me the things you would want to tell your Jane sunbae!that I wish that was for me instead!" I finally replied after a loud laugh.

"And Jeon Jungkook now that you're together with Jane sunbae then I don't think I'm needed anymore then I guess this is a good bye now." I gave him a small smile, a smile that I've never shown him.A genuine one.

I walk away with a brokenheart but a light shoulder after finally releasing all the heavy feelings I have for Jungkook.And just like that I left him just like what I do everytime he's with her.

"Y/n!wait!" I heard him shout behind me causing me to fasten my pace.

"Y/n!" I heard his continuous calling of my name but that did not stop me until his voice finally fade from my hearing.

He has been wanting to enter the acting club but in the end I think it was me whose better in acting.Acting as if I'm happy but it's actually the opposite.

Goodbye Jeon Jungkook, you may have never been mine but you'll be always inside my heart and would always be know as the first guy I truely felt love to.

Jeonlys:After half an hour of editing finally it's fix!I really want to write a pt3 of this though, so wdyt?

Written:October 13,2020
Editing:September 24,2021

-Your cute author, Jeonlys🐇

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