Oneshot 52

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My body trembles in coldness even though I was already wrap in more than 2 thick blankets.

I grab my phone and went on my contact list to call my friend, Jena to buy me some medicine.

Babe I'm having a fever right now.I said in my hoarse voice as a cough escape my mouth after.

Y/n are you okay?I quint my eyes when I heard an unfamiliar voice, thinking that I just misheard it I just shrug after.

Babe, I'm having a freaking fever over hear*coughs*and you ask me if I'm okay?ofcourse I'm not!and can you please buy me some med, tenchu.I let out a cough after that again.

Not waiting for what she would say anything after that I then ended the call and once again hid myself on my blankets before letting out an annoying sneeze.

Geez what have I done to deserve this.I mumble out before sleep welcome me.


I woke with a groan when I felt something touching my hair.

I hate it when my hair is being touch but right now, I just don't have the energy to smack this person's annoying hand away from my hair.

S-stop it.I said still in my hoarse voice without opening my eyes and the person gladly pulled her/his hand away with a tsk?

I flutter my eyes and squint it after when all I see is a blurry figure and when my eyes sight are finally okay I was shock on who I am seeing right now.

Jungkook?what are you doing here?I ask with my eyes wide open and he just gave me a sheepish smile before taking a seat on the sofa near the bed I'm lying on.

You called me and I also bought you the meds that you want me to buy.He pointed at my bed side table and I saw a small plastic bag.

Nothing left my mouth as I was still in shock and also embarrassed as I completely called the wrong person and damn out of all the person why Jungkook?my goddamn crush?!

I then decided to just stay quiet as I bit my lower lips with my eyes only at my blanket but my stomach betrayed me and made a loud growling sound.

I also bought you a soup on the way, you should eat it now.He said and I felt my face heat up, not because of my fever though.


Jungkook thank you so much for coming.I shyly stated and I heard him laugh after that.

Your very much welcome Y/n.He said and stood up from the sofa before satting himself near me.

My brain suddenly work and questions fillrd my head the instant I remember something.

How did you came inside?I gave him a shook look and he scrunch his nose at what I ask.

Hmm I don't know if you did it on purpose or not but you forgot to lock the door.I cover my mouth with my palm and thought of the things that would happen to the house or to me if some stranger walk inside and would rather steal something or worse murder me on my sleep!

I would possibly murdered already if some thief got in.I said in a worried tone before looking up at Jungkook who look at me with seriousness.

That would never happen.



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