Oneshot 118

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•Warning!this is a mess up one!xd!I'll try doing the part 2s -,-

Y/n shot up from her sleep as she hastily wipe the sweats on her forehead and heave out a tired sigh after that.She's tired of the continuous nightmare that keep on appearing in her dreams every night.She has a lot of questions but it all remained unanswered for the dream was always about the man who was swallowed by the huge dark creature but what made her question is on why can she see herself just standing infront of the screaming guy while smili-or was she smirking evily?Why is she dreaming about this thing all the time?

"My dear ancestors I am blaming this to you for you may have been the one who commit such sin but why the heck is it haunting me instead?why can't it be just my good for nothing of a step sister instead?" Y/n laid back down on her slight wet bed from her sweat and covered her eyes using her arm.Then she quickly uncovered her eyes when the same image of the guy screaming "I love you" went inside her mind.

"Why the heck am I dreaming of someone confessing their love for an ugly duckling like me?" With wide eyes Y/n place a hand on her beating heart and she can't help but blush when she remembered the guy on her dream.

"He was so handsome, but he's too good for me." She whispered then her door suddenly creak open which scared her but as the Vice President of the student council she quickly took the bat made out of steel just place beside her bed.When she saw no one after a whole twenty minutes of observing while double checking it for the tenth time she finally put down the heavy weapon.

"If you ever happened to be the killer bunny then you are very much welcome to come in cause I love obsessive people.. their hot." She said the last part in a whisper and pat her chest at the mention of 'killer bunny'.

She was about to lie back down on her bed when she stumbled over a thing that almost made her lose her mind at the moment but stop herself when she saw what she stumbled on and hurt her poor toe.It was a picture frame of her that look so old but well taken care at the same time the frame very much look like it was made of gold but Y/n is doubting it as fake cause now a days there are a lot of those.Scam.She pick up the frame and almost drop it back down for she didn't expect it to be this heavy no wonder her toe is painfully throbbing.So that means it was truly made out of gold!wow!

Her slight sleepy eyes examine the image of her but she can't remember when she took this picture of her.The accessories of her in the picture look so expensive but what made her stare at the image more was because of the guy in all black that was posing behind her but he was not just any guy it was the guy on her dreams.

She touch the picture and her brain froze when the finger she use to touch the picture went through it.She was now fully awake and she slowly pulled her finger away from the image but can't and she panicked.

"Y/n!please come back!Y/n!please don't leave me!You promised to be beside me till death do us apart!Y/n!Y/n!" Her eyes almost pop out of her socket when she heard a man's shouting inside the photo.Before she knew it the finger that was stock on the image was pulled and she doesn't know anything that happened next for she went unconscious.

"Y/n, a lot happened this day*sigh*our son...he's already 3 can't you believe it?time surely fly so fast hmm?He's here with me now Y/n?if you can hear me I just want to tell you that me and our son would never give up on you.We love you." Y/n's eyes flutter open and she can't help but frown and was about to speak but words did not came out.Her vision was slight blurry but she can see a vision of two heads beside her so she blink her eyes and when her vision finally went normal she can't help but stare at them in a strange way.



The two hug her but her body remained stiff she doesn't have the energy to just even lift her hand and what?!mother?!I don't remember having a boyfriend and worse!a husband!

"U-um." She tried to ask for water but it only hurt her throat.Why is my mouth so dry?how am I still living?I mean water is life.duh.

"(Son's name)!go get a glass of water for your mother." The dude ordered the little guy and the small one who called her his mother gave her a 5 second glance first before bursting out of the room in a flash.

"Y/n, do you remember me?I'm Jeon Jungkook your husband!I miss you so much!" The guy cried out and once again pulled Y/n into a hug.Y/n gave him a confused look clearly still not knowing anything.The picture just literally pulled her in and when she woke up she immediately got a husband and a son?!

"N-no." Y/n weakly replied and she saw the guy's face drop but quickly put back his smile on and gently wrap both of his hands on her small ones and gave it a small squeeze.

"Doesn't matter the good thing is your awake and we can finally be the family that you always wanted." Y/n just blankly stare at him and she finally saw the clothe he was wearing it look so out of the style he almost look like a prince.How did I catch this handsome looking guy's heart?Y/n ask inside her head and unconsciously smile.

But her smile disappeared when she stare on his face for a long time.

He looks like the guy in the picture that did a photo boomed.

-Your cute author, Jeonlys🐇

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